we ain't slackers. stop calling us that. this hurts. the stress we faces. is probably x 100 times more than u. i'll tell u why.
- your homework won't get rejected becoz ur lecturer thinks it not nice.
- your homework won't get poor grades when its all correct answers. us? still a satisfactory even it topped the class.
- 1 + 1 definitely = 2. u all have correct answers to ur questions! we don't!! after 3 nights of working non-stop for a super important project, we still dun get good grades. why? lecturer dun like it!! u all will get the grade u deserve, why? its correct, ur lecturer can't mark it wrong.
- all answers are the same! u all can copy [no offence] we can't!!
- we dun have exams [ha ha. this is not good] why? our grades depends on projects. imagine the lecturer hates yellow when my project is yellow. i dun get the marks. ta da~ poor grades.
- u can be super confident of ur results [coz u know urself did u put in effort to study anot..] we can't. why? we don't know if our piece will get appreciated anot.. if he loves it. good. if he hates it? we die.
- we dun have exams [part2]. yes. becoz we dunhave exams, lecturers give us project as if its none of their business. we have ALOT of projects [not to mention projects that got rejected over and over again]. it kill us. at least.. it kill us soon.

- copied from serene's blog. she's a senior who doesn't know who i am. haha. so interesting ah.

i ate my first subway meal today! i liked the cookie :)

went to take pictures with chinee. basically, she accompanied me. i had no idea what to take at first. walked from orchard hotel to part of botanic gardens. but after a while, got quite comfortable with just snapping away. i don't know a thing about shutter speed and aperture (ok. actually i do. but, uh. not much) so i was like, anyhow changing. haha. yea. well. next week for photo lesson, we're meeting at arab street in front of the mosque. whee.

ok. time to do work.
i just about moved my room to the dining area. the whole dining table is filled with my stuff.

on a cigratte box : be like dad. keep mum

geddit? geddit?


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