ablutophobia: washing or bathing
acarophobia: itching
acerophobia: sourness
achluophobia: darkness
acousticophobia: noise
acrophobia: heights
aeroacrophobia: open high places
aeronausiphobia: vomiting secondary to airsickness
aerophobia: drafts, air
aeruophobia: flying
agliophobia: pain
agoraphobia: open spaces
agraphobia: sexual abuse
agrizoophobia: wild animals
agyrophobia: streets or crossing the street
aichmophobia: needles or pointed objects
ailurophobia: cats
albuminurophobia: kidney disease
alektorophobia: chickens
algophobia: pain
alliumphobia: garlic
allodoxaphobia: opinions
altophobia: heights
amathophobia: dust
amaxophobia: riding in a car, or vehicles
ambulophobia: walking
amnesiphobia: amnesia
amychophobia: scratches or being scratched
anablephobia: looking up
ancraophobia: wind
androphobia: men
anemophobia: air drafts or wind
anginophobia: angina, choking or narrowness
Anglophobia: England, English culture, etc
angrophobia: becoming angry
ankylophobia: immobility of a joint
anthophobia: flowers
anthrophobia: people

courtesy of xuefeng.

what's this for? i dunno. haha. lalala. shimmyshimmyquarterturn. haha


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