chinee gave joshua permission to knock me on the head coz the camera was set to uh. timer mode. uh. ah. ha. ha. haha.

no wonder every time i press i have to wait so super long before it clicks and takes the picture. ah.
ah. hahaha.

stupid la. haha.

small grp today was pretty interesting. discussion on jaeson ma. whoa. shall not elaborate. :)

i can go climb mt. ophir! yipee! this weekend! that means i won't be around on sunday.
my track shoes...the front part is like, bigger. so that's not exactly very good coz like..the footing and blah. and i guess i can't wear my old tracks coz well, there's this super huge hole in front (i still like my old tracks better. heh) but well, :)

ok. back to visco hw.

stupid thing is that the eyes get so tired. but my body's still ok. still awake. but my eyes....pffft

i need to go take pictures. lalala. i shall take pictures for ym camp! haha. uh. yea. :)

i blog too much rubbish. ohwells. more for you to read. :)

hey lala! meet up thurs as usual i guess. bring your bible? i'll bring mine :) glad that you're doing your own BS! :) too bad you didn't come today coz we had lively discussion. but next week! ask debx every week! DEBBIE NG! COME OK!?

oh yes. smtg from the wesley weekly :)

The Christian's Riches

In Christ we have :
a love that can never be fanthomed.
a life that can never die.
a peace that can never be understood.
a rest that can never be disturbed.
i joy that can never be diminished.
i hope that can never be dissapointed.
a glory that can never be clouded.
a happiness that can never be interrupted.
a light that can never be extinguished.
a strength that can never be overcome.
a beauty that can never be marred.
i purity that can never be defiled.
resources that can never be exhausted.



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