hi! guess what? i left school at 11pm yesterday! whee! so i reached home at about...12.20 i think. was doing last minute photo stuff and i needed to use the lab you see. :)
ok. it was't exactly last minute work. as in, i took one roll of film. then when i develpoed it, i think it got spoilt. i think i used the wrong developer. then i took two and a half rolls on saturday, developed them on monday. buuuutt, i didn't like any of my shots. so i went to take again on tuesday morning. one and a half rolls. yeaps. :)
sabrina was doing her own funny stuff at 8pm?! it was a bit freaky when this she and this yr2 guy were quarreling over an enlarger :/

i so suck at marketing :/

i wanna go jogging but i feel so lazy and tired. :/

i can feel happy even when it's rained cos there's a nice breeze blowing in my face. :)

ok. typo. i have typo tmr. i'm supposed to hand up "a thick stack" of papers. but uh, i have like, two pieces of paper? :/

i wanna go to church. lalala. :)


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