
today :

reached school at 8.20. rendered my building.

went for class at 9. after copying stuff from a transparency and listening to ronald say about uh, ten sentences, we drew and tried cross-hatching a picture of this guy. 2 and a half hours. silence in the class, just the sound of people brushing away eraser rubbings. backache. had to stand up to stretch.

went down to check out whatever my friends were doing for ccn (some fund raiser thingie). phekgek was in-charge. they were selling hamsters and fish :/ was just waiting there for awhile. and phekgek roped melanie and i to help :/ we were like...er....she wanted us to go around selling the fighting fish which looked incredibly pathetic coz there was hardly any water in the plastic thingie so pple would only say "oh. so poor thing!" :/

ok. but it got fun after i rougly knew what to say about the hamsters. dwarf hamsters. going for $10. and business was good :) haha. jacky was laughing at me coz i had a hard time catching this hamster which was running on the table. really fast. so i was super scared that i wouldn't catch it and that it'd fall off the table or smtg. :/ jacky's funny. he calls me "director".

stupid royston. he came to kaypoh. that's ok. but he insisted on picking up a hamster to put it in this small box cover to play with. i tried to stop him from taking to hamster out. nicely telling him. but he put his hand into the cage or whatever and took it out. tried to stop him. but he took it out. and guess what?
he dropped it. yes. he dropped the hamster, from like, the height we stand at. and the hamster looked like it broke it's leg or smtg. when we picked it up it was ok. but the spine like...super curved. stupid royston. so darn irritating. jacky was scolding him :( sigh.

had fun shouting "fighting fish! one for fifty cents!" and reducing the price and whatnot. it's quite fun to try and convince people to buy. but you have to know your uh, product la. or else you have nothing to say and people won't really want to buy. it's fun to shout. really. and have some people stare at you. haha.

lotsa fighting fish left so we brought some up to the studio. the rest, we gave away to people who couldn't believe that we were giving them away. haha


xuanie, add who? :)

ym service tmr :)
ok. i'm tired. haha. melanie said my eyes looked really tired today :/ :O :)

when my friend sms-es or chats over msn, i don't understand what she's trying to say half the time :/

the colours are..just for variety ;)
sorry if the colours look bad sometimes :)


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