Jesus, all for Jesus
all i am and have
and ever hope to be

all of my ambitions, hopes and plans
i surrender these
into your hands

for it's only in
your will that i am free

as i wait
you make me strong
as i long
you draw me to your arms
as i stand
and sing your praise
you come
you come
and you fill this place

i'm here to meet with you
come and meet with me
i'm here to find you
reveal yourself to me

you set me apart
gave me a new heart
filled with compassion
to share your great love
show me your ways
i want to know you
guide me in truth
my hope is in you

that i may dwell in your house forever
lifting up your name
dwell in your house forever more

i'll hold on to you
my strength and my refuge
whom shall i fear
i know you are near
all of my days
i live for you Lord
establish my path
that's one thing i ask

"He calls us not to passivity,
but to the dynamic self-abandonement
that commitment to His kingdom means. "
- elisabeth elliot

if i had wings i would fly
you're more than i need
you are
and if the world caved in around me
to you i'd still hold on
cos you're all that i believe
and the one who created me
Jesus, because of you
i'm free

i'm not ashamed of the gospel
i'm not ashamed of the one i love

Be still and know that I am God

we are one body
of one spirit
with one hope that carries us all
one son one blood
shed for us
one God one faith
to which we are called
- unified as one -

start the fire

spread the fervour

set the pace

along life's road
there will be sunshine and rain
roses and thorns, laughter and pain
and across the miles
you will face mountains so steep
deserts so long and valleys so deep

sometimes the journey's gentle
sometimes the cold winds blow
but i want you to remember
i want you to know

you will never walk alone
as long as you have faith
Jesus will be right beside you all the way
you may feel you're far from home
but home is where He is
and He'll be there down every road
you will never walk alone

the path will wind
and you will find wonders and fears
labours of love and a few falling tears
across the years
there will be some twists and turns
mistakes to make and lessons to learn

Jesus knows your joy
Jesus knows your need
He will go the distance with you faithfully

- "you will never walk alone" by lowell alexander. sung by Girls Of Grace

o sacred king
o holy king
how can i honour you rightly
honour that's fit for your name

"......that God would be your wick, be the vine from which you grow, be the source and wellspring of all love and power..."

did is a word of achievement
won't is a word of retreat
might is a word of bereavement
can't is a word of defeat
ought is a word of duty
try is a word each hour
will is a word of beauty
can is a word of power

not to us
but to your name be the glory

re o bama
re i koba
naoong tsa go Jesu

lo lorato
le legolo
naoong tsa go Jesus

(we fall down, we lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus
the greatness of His mercy and love, at the feet of Jesus)

however he is the only one who does not seem to me ridiculous. prehaps that is because he is preoccupied with something other than himself. - the little prince

to me, you shall be unique in the world. to you, i shall be unique in the world. - the little prince


"Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past
see, i am doing a new thing!
now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
i am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland."
-isaiah 43 : 18,19

"the Lord preserves the faithful." - psalm 31:23

"wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord."
- psalm 27:14

"taste and see that the Lord is good" -psalm 34:8

"but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
they will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary.
they will walk and not be faint."
-isaiah 40:31

random stuff...mostly stuff you can find in my bible :) goodnight.


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