
lalalalalalala lalalalalalala

i was half an hour late for school today. bah. was pissed coz i missed both buses by like, less than a minute. then had to wait about 10 mins for each. if i didn't miss both those buses, i'd just be 10 mins late. and that'd equal to not late. coz we're given 10 mins grace. so i got half-absence. ohwells

richard wee's class super waste time. he ask us to do work but sometimes we don't have materials and blah blah so we like, sit there and do nothing and he doesn't care. and we can give ourselves breaks too. i went to eat lunch with chien. like, half an hour.

and nancy's consultation periods are super waste time too coz some of us are like, just sitting there doing nothing. but good for pple who never finish their work la coz they take that time to do their work. i used this picture of a sculpture instead of a painting and i was kinda afraid that nancy wouldn't accept it (i spent so much time on it! tho it didn't look good still but. whatever!) but she was like..well, she thought it was pretty interesting. haha. she was in a good mood today. usually if she doesn't like pple's ideas or whatever she'll tell them it's rubbish and give an ugly face but today she was laughing at those that didn't make sense :/ well, good la. haha

joyce said i should be more committed to my small grp. small grp is where you grow. small grp is like home. and ministry is like work. i'm now the befriender in the small grp. meaning i'm supposed to follow up with newcomers. something like that. i think. hmm. haha

ok. i should go sleep. g'nite.


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