xuanie and i are talking about this yr3 ADM guy. apparently, he's the only guy in ADM yr3 who's not gay. according to aloy. haha. he's in my photo class. and he's super dao. he doesn't talk to anybody. only to the year2's when he needs to ask stuff. and he never smiles. :/

ok. today.
went to school about an hour and half early to develop photos with xuan but we felt too lazy/tired whatever so we didn't. then i had creative thinking. half an hour. keejan likes my group's idea. but it ain't gonna be the easiest thing to carry out :/ then waited for sabrina in the studio so we could go develop film together (See. i keep putting it off. coz i don't like to develop film. but enlarging's fun. i like to play around :) heehee) so xuan, melanie (crazy momofied friend who's super fun to be with coz she can go crazy with me) and i went down to the canteen. and whee. there was a fashion show :) ok. it was pretty ok. all of them walk...ok la. but only one person could walk properly. as in, fashion show proper blah. fala. yah that's her name - fala. xuan was like...ay! call your son tidoh next time la! :/ eh

ok. so i waited 2 hours for sabrina. 2 and a half actually. oh. before that, ah. i went to the bookshop with mel and stacy. stacy wants so much to stay fair that when the sun comes out (you have to walk in the sun to get to the bookshop. well, the shorter way) that she covers herself with whatever she has so the sun uh, can't get to her. well. i bought lollipops. again. and joshua says "you are now known as the lollopop girl by my friends :P"

ok. aniwae. i finally went to develop my film. and guess what? seems like i didn't leave the fixer in for long enough, acc to joshua. and acc to terrence...well, he said something about water. ok. whatever. so well, my negatives turned out almost all black! wow huh? ok. so wasted. so i was just playing around. i like enlarging stuff. playing is fun. doing work is not. though it's both enlarging. hahaha

oh. you know what? it's nice to sit at the mushroom in the evening with a friend and look around and swing your legs (i'm too short you see. short legs) and talk and laugh. i was doing just that with sabrina. whee! ok. only tp students like la and liza and mark and joshua will know where the mushroom is. it's the first whatever sheltered area thingie you see when you come into tp. by the overhead bridge.

you know, i'm supposed to be doing my marketing now. but i'm not clear on what i'm supposed to do. i think marketing's interesting. but it's the homework for it kinda sucks. so i'm not getting started. which is bad. because i have to hand it up tomorrow. HA HA. sheesh. this whole week, stay back late in school.

but you know what?

it's fun :) hahahah. yipee!

i'm broke :/


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