yesterday, i tried to borrow books from the school library with my ez-link card.

so embarrassing when i went to the lady at the counter and she very nicely told me that i wasn't to use the card that i used, but to use my matric card.

i forgot i had a matric card you see.



singapore idol on now...calvin looks like a girl. he looks like he's wearing a cardigan over his light pink top. oh man. oh! he just said he's studying fashion design. so ok....that's why. i get it. :D haha. the cardigan is like, low cut you know? oh my.
ok. i should shut up. arharhar.

looked out the window from the studio in the afternoon and :) the trees looked like someone sprinkled silver powder on them :) so very pretty :) the window has a purple shade thingie over la. that's in, that's why you see brown and silver (trees) instead of green.
pretty pretty pretty :)

that 16 yr old girl...she has a nice voice, but she never let it all out!!! so wasted! when i hear voices like that...i cannot tahan la. haha. she was like...not letting it all out. so can hear like, she was restraining her voice. :( so wasted la.

ohmygoodness. that decruz guy sounds so darn bad. really. it's disgusting.

not that i can sing any better.
but anyway.


oh man. who are the crazy people screaming for him?


eroi hgl kawjhsl.whgka sl;xdgjyuck!

haha. oops. i should shut up again.

"let's hope there are a lot of young girls out there who are willing to part with their pocket money to vote for you."





ok. enough is enough.

i'm going to watch stepford wives later with jingyi. (that's chinee to you) yay! :) and i have to render (Some uh, shading technique) a disgusting something later. this building. die la. haha. i want to buy pastels and gouche. i'm going to take photos again on saturday. ok. i think i'm gonna bring my camera with me wherever i go. :)

imelda teo sounds fine but her performance is really boring. :/ sorry.

ok. now i have to learn how to use illustrator. for my typo.

oh. when i said "i love solid rock"
uh, "solid rock" is a song. it's the hymn we sung. not as in, rock music or whatever.

i am deprived of storybooks. so when i went to the library (As in, not school library) to return books for mei, i went in. found a book on black and white photog, a book on some art materials blah, and well, a stupid book - storybook. some senseless teenager girlie storybook. so i went to borrow. and well, after 2 books, LOAN QUOTA REACHED. so well, i didn't borrow that girlie book. :/ ok. i haven't read a storybook in a long long time. that is so so sad. you know? coz i like to read. haha.

ok. i'm blogging too much.

hello aloy! YOU're the one who's scandalous la huh.
anyway, have fun doing your rendering and whatnot. you never draw your building properly! that's why don't look like building! anyway, put your mind on other rendering and whatever crap. ah. then you'll be happier. haha.

ok chinhui. time to stop. :)


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