oh wow! finally! i can post!

but anyway, i'm going mad doing uh, counselling. really. it's exasperating. but well, i can't say too much here. so i won't rant.

having a sound mind is so incredibly important.
having a reason for everything you say and do is important.

tomorrow is saturday and i'm going to school.
for some workshop induction thingie? yeaps. and then i can start printing my own shirts. hokay.

i have to paint clogs for colour class. :/ and oh crap! i just remembered! my colour journal! due monday! and it's like...hmmm...let's see....about 5 pages are filled. the rest are...um.


now everyone's using gmail. whoa.

i'm like, typing funny random stuff.

oh you know, i'm supposed to draw a comic strip for drawing fundamentals. a COMIC STRIP. oh crap. ahhhhh! ok. more than a comic strip! we've got a plot to follow. funny (funny?) things is that, for the past 12 weeks, ronald has been teaching perspective and how to shade. ok. perspective and shading is important in comic drawing. but but but....but....he didn't teach us how to draw figures (people) and blah! haiyoh. die la. haha. -_-" (oh my)

oh yes. everybody, let me tell you something. in school i'm part of "the happies". that's what the yr2's call us. cos uh, we always seem happy! whee! (hokay). randy's mindmap on the emo's is really interesting. btw, emo = emotional. yes.

mark is coming up with the camp tee design, as usual.
and i'm supposed to come up with the camp theme song, not as usual.
and joshua is going to be the camp photographer, again!
:/ oh man. (as in, me)

as you can see, right now, i'm crapping.

joshua's borrowing xuefeng's tandy.
tandy = 10D
10D = Digi SLR

oh. my photo project! ok. my theme is time. wow. ok. and i've taken like, let's see....one roll of film? not even. well, gotta take more.
apparently, chinee's joined some photographer's club thingie.

now, camp. i hope i can go for the whole thing. but obviously i can't. cos i have school! wow! so that means i can only come for sat and sun. and maybe thurs, fri night. if my dad lets me go. har har. not funny.

ok. obviously i'm going crazy :/

but it's ok.

no. actually maybe i'm going crazy because of the girl i've been trying to uh, counsel.

or maybe it's just that i haven't blogged for quite some time.

no la. i'm just feeling...in the mood to crap.

ahhh! i can't stop!


I WANT TO RANT ABOUT HER! BUT I CAN'T! cos it won't be nice. har har. oh sheesh. i need to see her. as in, talk to her face to face. and i think i actually need to like, scold her or smtg. her mind's going crazy. she's like, thinking psycho thoughts already. you know, she wanted to see the director of design? i had to hold her back to stop her from walking to his office.

the director's name is moses. she sent me an sms today that started with
"moses" .
i freaked out.
"moses hid his face"
and i really like..panicked.
she really went to see him?!?!?!!?!?
then i read the rest of the msg....it was a bible verse.
wah. heng ah.

ok it's just super weird la.
and then everyone says to ignore her and stop talking to her (cos she's making hardly any sense and everybody's like...SHE's 21?!) but i can't. cos like, i'm scared she'll go?!?!!??!.

ok. enough.

i shall click "publish post" and get out of here so i don't rant more. poof.


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