hello everyboday again :)

ok i'm going to bangkok boohoohoo.
tues morn to sat evening.
my mom wanted to come back on sunday but i managed to get her to let us come back on saturday instead so i can go for service at the very least. phew.

andrea i am sosososo so sorry.
and jeremy i am so sorry too.
for not being able to do both worships...

oh ... everybody, go watch sky captain and the world of tomorrow. it's good. haha.seriously, it's niceeeee. the effects are really cool. as in. woot! they acted in front of a blank screen and....did you read your newspapers? if you did, you'd know. and it was in LIFE! so you should have read it right? cos even if you don't read the papers, you read LIFE! at the very least right?

ok. no.

.....blah blah.....and the past present blah blah and ooh. the humour. i shot the ground! i shot the ground! ok you'll know if you watched it. oh . DEX is the real hero man. he's the cool one. but sky captain is cool too. haha THE LENS CAP!

ahhh. ok well, watch watch watch!

i a m d r i n k i n g m i l k . i t ' s g o o d y o u k n o w .

r e a l l y.

: )


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