hello everyboday (:

ok. i asked my mom whether i could go for a chalet. and woot!
she said uh...i might be going to thailand with her.

uh huh


so, uh...i thought i wasn't supposed to go!

no! i told you you'd be going with me!

so ok. when?

maybe tuesday?

huh?!!?! this tuesday? as in, this coming tuesday?!

anytime i can get the tickets!

but...but....i'm supposed to be doing worship for alpha course on thursday and i'm playing for worship this sunday!




how in.te.res.ting.

ok. aniwae,why thailand. cos i have relatives there.
no. that does not mean i have thai blood in me (pple ask. that's why i'm putting it here)
uh, my uh, great grandparents. uh. actually my grandparents. came from china. and then some came to singapore. while some chose to go to thailand. ok?

um. ok. time to sleep.

oh. internet pop-ups are so irritating. haha


pray people! praypraypray!

oh wait. look on top! new link! adriel's blog. www.kaipneumatos.blogspot.com go read k? lala, go read :) come to church soon!


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