ok. i posted smtg more worth reading that just "ok hello" a few days ago but it didn't appear but nvm and so ok hello i shall blog a bit more :)

ok so i went to senggarang which is in indonesia. went with sen, sandy, jiemin and 3 other pple you all don't know - maureen, germaine and sze min. ferry ride on the WaveMaster was incredibly rocky and till today i'm...rocking still. i still feel like i'm in the boat. nice. not. ok well we took the ferry to tanjong pinang. and then a small boat to senggarang. surprisingly, on that little island, there's like, a nice hotel. and you wonder who goes to stay there. so i said it was built specially for us-the pple who go every month.

yeap. a medical group (organised by wesley guys and gals) goes every month. and some pple from grace methodist go too i think. uh huh. ok. quite a nice kelong place. ok anyway, went to the church there and set up this little clinic in one of the rooms. just 3 tables for the 3 doctors and one table for dispensing. ok. what did me with no medical experience do? helped pour medicine into smalled bottles, help count tablets (like, say. count 90 wee tablets. the really small kind. nice. haha) and ahh. i learnt how to take blood pressure :D quite a few of the pple there have high blood pressure. one lady...uh...205/115 i think. sooooper high. :/

ok. then we were packing the medicine properly. and i was throwing away some stuff when "ouch!" i pricked my finger! nice. on a needle that had been used. nice. so the doctors were all like..."squeeze the blood! squeeze the blood! just keep squeezing! just keep squeezing!"


and so, i squeezed. haha. just pressed my finger and blood kept coming out. and i just put some alcohol swabs on it for the alcohol la. hokay.

then i found some used needles (they're on these plastic things and the needle part is only like, say, 2mm long) on the floor. nice. very nice. so someone didn't dispose of them properly. but ohwells. ok anyway, i'm supposed to go to sen's clinic for a blood test. going tmr i think.

ok anyway, at night, sandy was about to pull the bed covers up to cover herself (we shared a bed) and AHHHH! she screamed and jumped out. a cockroach ran out of the bedsheets. wonderful. hahahahhahaha. i was laughing la ok. i'm scared of cockcroaches too but uh, not that scared. haha. so i went to the guys room. "knock knock". jiemin opens the door. "uh, sandy wants you to come kill a cockroach."

ah. haha. and basically we had a fun time trying to do smtg about the cockroach being in the room. me and jiemin at least cos we were laughing our heads off cos sandy was really scared. ok. is that being mean? no. ok.
ah. haha

so anyway, we ended up sleeping in the living room. we put the the cushions from the armchairs down and jiemin and i shook the blanket and laid it out the confirm that there weren't anymore cockroaches in it.

ok. sunday. woke up to catch the sunset.
we always want to see the different sunsets of everywhere huh.
but anyway, it wasn't anything spectacular. it's nicer at lower seletar.
ok then walked with jiemin...the kelong houses are pretty nice to look at. some of the floors are tiled. walked to the "orchard road" of their area which is like our uh....lemme think...like singapore many years ago. it's more market than orchard road. oh yea! it's like our wet market. only not as nice. and clean. and not as much stuff. that kinda thing.

went back to the church to clear up the medicine and blah. had to throw away a whole load of medicine which had expired. so waste you know! but ohwells. couldn't be helped. and then what ah. oh. we attended the service. it's like...they had a 50 min worship. the music was rather loud. it was this little boy on the keyboard. looked like he was using a mixer from far but..it was a kb la. then uh, the pastor started preaching...and it was in bahasa. so uh, we left after a while.

ok and then back to tanjong pinang. lunched at panjang. eat upstairs. so we had to wait for all these buff NUS/NP dragon boat guys to come down first cos the stairway was super narrow. lunch was pretty good. ok basically almost all the food there is good. just unhealthy but well, ok. when we came out this guy sitting on a motorbike outside said smtg like nice hair or pretty hair or some crap to me. maan. and then i just looked away and ok. there was this stall selling tapoica and the dried banana stuff and woot! i think we made his daaay!

we bought like, 9 packets of stuff. like...about 20 000 rupiah per pack. that's about 4 bucks la. so it was 20 000 x 9 rupiah that he made in 5 mins? woot! and when jiemin asked for samples for those who hadn't bought to try, he gave us one plastic bag full of the stuff cos he was so happy. hokay. :D haha

ok. boat back. i slept. i think that's the first time i've slept on a ferry trip. i'm usually like, on the upper deck or at least outside in the sun. but there was no upper deck or outside area that we could go to so too bad.

ok. let's hope this post appears.


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