so today.

i went to sen's clinic.
i walked by the back you see. cos i saw the back before i saw the front.
so i walked in through the back door of what i thought was sen's clinic (i've never been there before you see).
and the person at the reception said "yes?"
and i walked through out of the front door to look at the sign.
ok good. right place.
i walked back in.

ok then sen had to draw blood.
thing about injections is that you don't look.
as in, you're not supposed to look.
especially if you're scared.
good thing i'm not scared. yey!
ok so sen says "i hope you don't faint."
and i sit down and he smears some alcohol on my arm.
and i turn away and he says "ok the needle's going in"
and "poke"
and i turn back and look at the blood
it's maroonish.
he draws a stringe-ful.
no, i do not faint.
then since he's free, sen shows me the pics he took at senggarang on his iBook.
and then i show him my pics. the colour ones.
not nice.

anyway, sen's clinic is a nice place.


ok then i meet chinmei for lunch.
we eat at nydc.
we stuff ourselves with pizza.
but we don't finish it.
so we doggy pack it.
and she still wants to order dessert.
but i say no.
so no goes.

then i head to my mom's shop.
i take 106.
my first time on 106. wow!

i stop 2 stops early.
so i have to walk.

so at my mom's shop, aunty nancy says i'm "guai".
that means uh...what uh. it means obedient?
uh. smtg like that.
ok. that's cos i'm helping my mom.
then hansheng comes.
hansheng is from ym. he's wei's age.
hansheng is taaaalll.

i meet jeremy for tea.
but we don't drink tea.
i drink coffee.
i'm only drinking coffee cos it's a frapucchhhiinnooo.
it's got caramel and cream on top.
so it's nice.
no, not the coffee. the caramel and cream.
chinhui doesn't drink coffee because it's generally bitter.

ok. and jeremy doesn't drink tea either.
i think.
at least, it didn't look like tea.
what was it then?
it was a purple-coloured drink.
that is the only way i know how to describe it.

we talked about worship.
and ym.
and well, mainly those stuff.

jeremy says i'm like...i'm good at controlling my emotions.
smtg like that.
i say no. i say, it's just that i don't have a huge reaction to most stuff.
like, easy example. real-life example :
sandy sees a cockroach, she's scared, she screams.
i see a cockroach, i'm scared, i don't scream.
yes i'm scared too.
but i don't scream when i see the cockroach.
i just walk away.
smtg like that.
i just...react differently? and not as much? uh huh?
i do react quite a bit sometimes.
it just depends.
like when i was in the studio on night
and i was in a crazy, mad, bonkerish mood.
i dropped a little something into the fishie bowl.
i screamed.
like, right out, loud.
and thye chuan was like, "first time i hear jinghui scream".
it was fun, having screamed and being laughed at and laughing along. it was fun, that bit of embarrassment and blah.
usually, i'd just go, "uh. whoops. heh."
but i was in a crazy, mad, bonkerish mood you see.
i don't react/not react on purpose.
i don't have to hide my emotions. or anything like that.
really :)
i am myself.

ok anyway.
chinhui's blogging funny.

and it'll be nice if this appears on

this is great for patience-testing.


let's learn from richard wee : today was a colourful day


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