you know what?

i SO want to work in the zoo.

i'm serious.

haha. but, really.

as an animal show presenter! haha. really.
i told andrea the other day.
and she was like, they have animal shows there?!?!?!
i was like, you didn't know? have you gone to the zoo before?
huh? never before?!

ok well basically, she heard "zouk" instead of "zoo"
and so, we were laughing over well....animal shows at zouk.


oh. and they want graphic designers at the zoo too. haha. really.
ok. actually, i think i wanted to work in the zoo ever since i was young. haha.

all the hahas


but really. i really really weally wweallii want to sign up. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaahaa. shoot.

aniwae, my mom's dyed my hair even redder. as in, there's more red. maaaan. i didn't ask for it ok. i thought she was just removing the rest of the brown streaks. then after she washed my hair...ok, she was blowing my hair dry. and well, i wasn't wearing my specs so i couldn't see properly so all i saw in the mirror was like, red glinting at the top of my head. so i thought...ok maybe it's because i'm not wearing specs so i can't see properly and well, the light...reflection...blah. so my hair looks so red. then i put on my specs after my mom was done blowing and whoa! the whole top of my hair was red. i freaked la ok. and uncle vincent was trying to convince me that it looked fine...for young people like you, it's ok one. it's ok la. it's not bad lor. wait a'll get used to it one.
and i was like...ok wotever(in my head la.) and i told my mom it was FAR TOO MUCH! and ok. so she dyed some of it back. but i still think it's too much red. and red is auntie la ok. a bit was ok. now so much. sheesh. cannot la. ah. i wear a cap mostly now so it's not too bad i guess. but i still think it's too much red and that red is more auntie then hip whatever. so uncle vincent better stop trying to convince me that so much red looks fine for a young girl like me because. because. because.

ok wow. that was long.

but anyway, i want to work in the zoo.

dickson says he's got a friend in this design company called atomz and they need help so if i want (and if they want me) dickson can recommend me or smtg and i can go be an intern there. whoopee! but not this hols. i still don't know enough. maybe next hols :D


and i can't do tuition.
my english ah. i don't know all those poopo rules of english so i can't teach. i must go and learn. then can teach. so wotever. :D

okokok. i'm reading stuff at the website (atomz) and i think i really really really weaally wanna go work there. hahahahhahaha

(i'm nutty. )

stupid thing about their website is that their content is in grey. as in, the words are in grey. ok yes i know mine is too.but theirs is like....eeyer. superbly hard to read. so see yourself if you've got time and if you're bored.

supercoolsupercoolsupercool. haha. that reminds me of superkicky. haha.


AND SO! finally, chinhui (or jinghui, whichever you know me as. or maybe faith :D) updates her blog with something worth reading. i hope it's smtg worth reading......

pHBbt :P


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