"if a person doesn't think there's a God to be accountable to, then what's the point of trying to modify your behaviour to keep it within acceptable range? " - some guy
i haven't checked it out yet. it's about evolution being :/ and about blah blah. so says dr don ratten.
".........................(matthew 7:24-29...about the house built upon the rock and blah)... then came the storm. in every life what we've built is subject to raging winds and rising floods. they will come. Christ warns that the only indestructible house is the one built upon the rock of His teachings. the strength of our houses is not dependent upon on salvation. it's not dependent on our faith. it's dependent upon our willingness to live according to God's word........."
-Beth Moore's "Whispers of Hope"
ok. that's like, the only thing that's short enough for me to type. i want to type lots of nice teaching stories here. but ... too long la.
one reason why i prefer the laptop to the computer : the keyboard. the computer's keyboard's keys are have to lift your finger up slightly higher to press down the key as when compare to the laptop's keyboard cos the keys are uh, slightly higher.
it's more tiring.
worship retreat :
report at the wesley foyer at 8am.
breakfast will be provided on friday. we'll be fasting lunch on friday.
we'll be staying overnight at ymca.
bring : bible, pen, clothes, bs book (given to all WT members), toiletries(if you want), $10 to pay, form signed by your parents (for those 16 and under)
if you're going for the retreat and you read this, leave a note at the comments box so i won't have to call you. thank you! any questions, email me k? i check my email everynight so well, yeaps :)