"existence precedes essence" that is, i don't find meaning - i create it. the Bible is a lump of clay, and i am the potter. Interpretation is creation. my existence as a subject creates the "essence" of the object..."
-"dont waste your life" by john piper

ok. i'm going to another church this sunday! with lala and pearl :)

everybody who reads this! please please please tell everyone in ym that there's worship team auditions on the 13th of november, saturday from 2-6pm at the music room. whoever wants to come (musicians, vocalists, sound crew, multimedia aka clickers) should call andrea or me. um. ask worship team members for our contacts. or you can email me at chinzjinghui@gmail.com hokay? thank you very very very the much. please tell everybody ok? regardless of whether you're in the worship team or not. tell your small groups!

and have i mentioned? ok yes in an email. but anyway, worship team retreat - 26th-27th nov. that's friday to sat. at the third place.

hey! again, EVERYBODY! any suggestions on what the camp theme song should be? as in the ym camp. the BGR++ one.....any suggestions? come on. somebody say smtg. the deadline's approaching. aahhhhh!


hello andrea, read your email! long email. regarding the retreat! but ok. i think you'll read your email before you read this so well. ok. reply! :))

ok. and AGAIN! HELLO EVERYBODY! how are you? living your life to the fullest? ok maybe not. a lot of people don't. but anyway, live life for God! hokays? as in like, really. don't waste your life. to live is Christ. remember? yeaaaps. ok well, happy hols everyone! as for those having a's or o's or any other funky exam, (funky?) study hard! and trust God! and don't worry about your papers! cos it really doesn't do you any good to worry. seriously. and in no time, YOUR hols will be here too! and then you can all play and have fun tooo!!! and then in no time, your results will come out! ahahahhaha. but then again, no point worrying. cos well, just pray la huh. pray for favour with the markers (no. not marker pens. the pple who are marking your papers [chinhui!]) and well, leave everything to God. love, chinhui

hello grace! grace as in gracie...noof. ok well, how's home? good to be back? well, too bad i haven't been joinging you guys for any outing :/ except the time at kenny's house :) hokays well. hello karen. i can't draw cartoons. pity. or else i'd have a nice part-time job now. too bad you can't draw too :/ but you draw better than me. hello xuanie. study hard for your jap exam. since it means so much to you :)


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