hello. chinhui decides to blog.

ok. so what shall i blog about?


ok. my job.
started on friday. i'm working at some place in sembawang. office job. cos it's my friend's uncle's company and they're rushing for a deadline or smtg so well, i'm there to help.
what do i do? ok. basically, i check files.
check until my eyes like....blur. it's a pretty boring job. and everybody speaks chinese. how sad. ok. sorry. haha. uhhh.
basically, i don't like my job. hahahahhaa.
it gets incredibly frustrating when like...ok.....i'm supposed to check these files for this thing. and then after i check thirty files, my friend (who's in-charge of checking all the files) comes and says....aye jinghui. i forgot to tell you. must also check that.

oh. kay.

and i'm like... dotdotdot.


but today during lunch break i talked to her a lot and it was good cos i don't really know her well so well, it was nice getting to know her :) she told me after i finish checking all the files, she doesn't know what to let me do. so i said..then i'll quit la! and she was like....huh. hahaha. i want to quit anyway. but i will stay on i guess. tho it's an irritating job. pfft. RIGHT XUANIE?! ...
...xuan took the job for A day.

ok. while i was talking to her. she told me some stuuuff. :/

now ernest has a chalet. but i'm not going. it's faaaarrr...in changi. and besides, i'm working. and i don't know ernest very well, and it seems like everyone's asking "who's going?" so he was like....everyone's asking who's going so like that, everybody won't want to go anymore. ...or smtg like that :/

HI SARAH! I'M SO SORRY I LEFT EARLY! like, really early. like, 5 mins after i met you all. and that i didn't meet you all at kbox. but seriously, i didn't want to pay to go to uh, kbox. eeps. sorry. but well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ok. we have an appt next sunday. and we're gonna go to some church we're both new to. right? and we're pretty excited about it! haha. then we can go get your bible after that. :) ok and again, happy happy happy birthday. blessed birthday :) and well, love you sarah! thank you for so being the bestest and the one to always cheer us all up :) once school starts, we get back to meeting for lunch or smtg again ok? must! haha. hope you get to shop enough this hols :D tho your definition of enough is....never-ending? haha. no la. rock on! :) and God bless! nice to see you growing in your faith :) really.

ok let's see. what else.

ok. went to brmc (barker road methodist) last sunday with jeremy, andrea, jerrold, mag, melanie, joshua, eugene. youth service was ok. joined the j2's class. class was so quiet. then when class was over, boom! everyone was discussing a'levels stuff.
then went for SHINE FORTH - contemporary service. ok well, was a pretty nice environment. :)

ok. worship team auditions are on the 13th of november, saturday at the music room from 2-4pm. for those who have o's and a's and can't make it for the auditions, can just tell andrea or me and well, we can audition you another time so, no worries.

beloved! we're playing on the 14th of november hokays?
hmm. who in beloved reads my blog? heh

ooh. practices for fusion start next sat. 10-12pm. oh. ahhh! i can't! i'm working! oh. um. ok. let's see. ...


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