Worship Retreat

26th - 27th November 2004 (Friday 8am - Saturday, after Saturday service)
Check-in : Wesley Methodist Church, Wesley Hall, 8am
* It's an overnight camp. We'll be staying at YWCA. (the rooms. not the hall :D)

To bring : The usual stuff
clothes, toiletries, bible, pen, and whatever else you want to bring i guess

Auditions for the Worship Team (includes sound crew and "clickers")

Anybody who want to join, look for Andrea or me hokays?
Yep. if you know any of your friends who are interested in joining...yeaps. tell them (:
Would be better if they join before the retreat...so they can come for the retreat too.

welcome to the worship team Grace ((:

9.30 Ushers

Bring $10 next Sunday for your ushering tee-shirts.

Buckaroo doesn't serve good food anymore. used to be owned by americans. now it's owned by chinese. the calamari tasted like rubber =/

i like my quite big family :)


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