email, stuff that ym-ers can take note of :

let's join in a time of fasting and prayer for the next three days before the camp. Some things transpired in the week that just passed and also from the Family Camp.

I was talking to some youths and parents about the need for prayer cover and spiritual preparation for YM and the upcoming camp. I was asked how we were going to fast, and I just said, 'anything lar'. But the youth I was talking to actually asked to have everyone fast in unity from 9am to 5pm, and I thought it was good, because, having all of us humble ourrselves together before the Lord will please Him.

So...let us join in fasting and prayer for our ministry if you can. Let us continue to watch and pray, because many things have already started happening. Praise the Lord, too, that we have clearance from both Rev Juliette and the Principal Mr Ng Eng Chin for the prayer walk tomorrow. He has kindly consented to us using one of the rooms for our prayer walk.

Tomorrow some of us will meet at 945am at the ACSBR canteen and we will proceed to the Team Training Room (which is near the school end of the overhead bridge) for prayer.

For the rest of us who will not be there physically with us, please cover us in prayer from 930am till 12noon while the prayer walk is going on. Please cover us and our family members generally with the blood of Jesus, and anything else which the Lord may lead you.

Focus for prayer and fasting:
1. Unity
2. That all of us will experience the full measure of God's love during the camp.

Details : 9am to 5pm, monday to wednesday
meal fast; if cannot, can fast other things (like internet, computer games, etc)

Ezra 8:21-23
v21..."So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and He answered our prayer."

_________ :)

and part of another email :

So, during these four days, I appeal to you all...please pray for yourselves and for members of the worship team. Please pray for unity among all of us, that we may be bound in love and friendship. Please please, pray for the prayer walk tomorrow (monday) at the Barker campus, for the camp. Please pray for people like Zhou Hao, Dickson, Carol, Sandy, Caroline and Dickson, of whom (I presume) are going down for this session of prayer, along with the prayer warriors like Bertram, Denise Lim, Melina etc.

Please pray for them as well as their families, that they would be protected from spiritual attacks. Please pray for the equipment, (our equipment, as well as the stuff at Barker), that we might be able to carry out what we normally do, and that is to conduct worship in a setting with electrical appliances. Pray for the camp comm, that they will be wise, united and patient. Pray for the campers, that they will anticipate something beautiful to happen and that they will go with hearts bent to learn more about the Lord and His ways. Pray for each service that you guys will be leading, that in everything, all of us will be technically and spiritually atuned for the Lord's use.
Some of you guys are tired of practice but please remind yourselves why you are doing this and who you are serving. Read Isaiah 40, powerful stuff. With this, I end this long letter. Thank you for enduring all this. I hope that I've made some sense. Prayer is...something powerful, we must use it.

At this point, I'd like to introduce a song to you guys, it goes like this...

Let it rain
Let it rain
Open the floodgates of Heaven (repeat again...and again)

_______ :)

i think what's really exciting is that everyone's so excited about camp. not camp as in fun games all that but as in, the spiritual part...about God going to do a great work and all that :) wonderful huh? :)
so people, pray pray pray hokays? and when you pray, believe that your prayer is powerful :) have faith!

_______ :)

school starts tmr! whee~


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