it was quite....interesting....
that well, it seems like people DO expect certain behavior to come from christians.

like, say stranger A does something bad,
B goes, " ___ (blah blah)___, and she/he's a christian summore!"

meaning they expect christians to be good and all that. and not be rude and selfish and unkind and sinful and blah.
how come they think that way of christians only and not pple of other religions?

well. just a thought. but anyway, interesting huh?

and, friend who talked to me this thursday morning (you know who you are la. :D haha). honestly, even though I don't know how to answer some of your questions on my faith and i'm not sure of stuff and i don't sound very convincing to you, i'm happy that you ask me questions actually :) heh. ask more! and i'll try my bestest to answer. and i guess we can learn more about each other and our faiths like that :D was melanie's church thing good? grace might be coming to one thingie at my church cos i'm playing and she's quite interested in the music so you all might want to come along and accompany her! be nice! :D heh.

melmelmelanienierockierockrocks.let's go out again!har.
i think i've been going out too much. my daddy's like, :/
i just don't want to do my homework.
looks like i'll be doing last minute work again! nothing new there!
for MFund we're supposed to do a website. for someone else in the class. pfft. oh. there are 2 pple in my Mfund class who are from finland. exchange programme. one's 29 and one's 24. and they say everything in s'pore i so cheap. the IPOD the LAPTOPS the whatever the clothes and all so they buybuybuy.

airport tmr. YIPEE! with la,ma,deb,za. wooters! long time no see. ahlala. msz-dj hello hello. hello mamamamama. ok shhhhh.
i hope i'm allowed to go.

once i kept going "i hope...i hope....i hope..." then zhou told me to stop hoping and to start praying instead. haha. hokays zhou

and of course well, blessed christmas to everybodays! everybodays means EVERYbody. and well, know that you're loved :)


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