ahhh! sarah! i just realised that i'm gonna miss you so much when you move to sentosa!

not like i see you a lot in school anyway, if at all. haha. oh yea. remember to pop by on fridays. like, 2.59pm or 6.01pm. ok? ha

i spent two hours painting a shoebox. ohmy. two hours. that's a bit too much, isn't it. i didn't realise that i took that long. but anyway, my shoebox looks very nicely colourful :)

i finally went jogging today. just that i jogged for only uh, 5 pathetic minutes. cos i had a tummyache. then i had to stop. i wanted to walk slower. but it was quite funny that i couldn't cos my legs just wanted to run so i was just..walking fast and holding my tummy. was quite funny to see my little ponytail (it's not really a ponytail. cos like...ponytails are found on pony's you see. and then...) uh, bouncing while i was running. haha. ok whatever.

pearl, doing homework. that's kinda like, how you learn. :)
show me more of your work! i'm interested in what you're learning! really! :)
and it's time to meet up soon! but ok well, i guess we're busy with school. i'll come for your youth service one sat when the hols start :) and then we can catch up. and hopefully, meet jeanette too. but she has a's this year :(

ok well, it's nearly 4am and i should be going to sleep. so g'nite world.

lisa loeb 's "tails" album is pretty nice music to listen to :D
have a nice day everyone!


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