"... oh my. In a way, our choices have power over what God can do sometimes. Our choices limit Him. If we choose to shut him out (hearts that aren't willing/teachable/ears that refuse to hear), then he can't do anything about it! Because he gave us free will! ohmy. ok Lord, it's kind of stupid. In the sense that, if there wasn't such a thing as free will then you'd make all of us receive you and you wouldn't let stupid thoughts of doubt get through, and we'd all be happy and fine and dandy.

But I guess. The pleasure's in us being willing.
And in that way, we grow .
hello Lord.
open hearts. willing minds. ah Lord. things get so difficult sometimes, and you kana super heart pain huh. But ohwells. I guess. You asked for it. Since you knew that we were all gonna be like that. And stuff like...this...would happen. ohwells. Great is the measure of our Father's love."

hello everybody!

hey spaciegracie, i've got a letter for you! the envelope looks quite ridiculous. again.

i wanna go back to chinee's place again! was quite fun. being by myself in the house :D

and "autumn in new york" is a good soundtrack.

okays i'll type some stuff from the book, "God is in the small stuff" by Bruce and Stan. Just random stuff. so, sorry if they don't reall uh, flow. i know it's long. but try read, k.

- Faith is not an emotion. It is objective trust placed in a very real God.

- Don't make plans and then ask for the Lord's approval. Ask God to direct your planning.
- God may be using people who disagree with you.
- Remember that God's will is not so much a function of time and place as it is an attitude of the heart.

-The person who looks up to God rarely looks down on anyone.

- If you don't have a bible, get one.
-If you've got a bible, read it.
-If you read the bible, believe it.
-If you beliee the bible, live it.

- Appreciate the commands of the scripture as much as the promises.
- Learn to appreciate poetry - read the psalms. (haha. hokays)

- Sometime, try giving the Lord a day out of your life. An entire day.

- Don't pray for a lighter load. Pray for a stronger back.
- You can't stand up to satan if you don't kneel before God.
- Pray with perseverance and expectancy.

- When it comes to origins, there are only two alternatives : either God created the heavens, or he didn't.
- If God didn't create the heavens and the earth, they happened by themselves.
- It is impossible for something to come from nothing.

- It's one thing to know what's right, and another thing entirely to do it.
- If you want to know what's in your heart, listen to your mouth.
- Take a little more than your share of the blame.
- Take a little less than your share of the credit.
- Be honest with yourself. Be honest with other people. Be honest with God.

- WWJD : What Would Jesus Do?
- God is looking for coordinated Christians whose walk matches their talk.

- Every morning you choose your attitude for the day.
- Discipline is at the heart of discipleship.
- Move from involvement to commitment.
- Use your free time productively.

- Learn from the mistakes of others. You'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.

- Run the race to win, even if you don't stand a chance.

- If what you are doing won't make a difference in five years, it probably doesn't matter now.
- To find out your priorities in life, look at your excesses.

- Worry is a choice.
- Worrying can literally harm you - emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
- Instead of worrying abuot what you can't do, think about wha tGod can do for you.

- A thick skin and a short memory are the best weapons against unjust criticism.
- You don't know you're fortunate until you're unfortunate.

- People are attracted to enthusiasm.
- Have a ready smile.
- You learn more by listening - you already know what you would say. (haha)

- Be kind to unkind people. It gets to them.
- A pleasant expression increases your face value.
- Encourage those who look up to you.

- Find a mentor.

- If you want to be needy - hoard.
- If you want to be poor - grasp.
- If you want to be rich - give.

- Share your blessings with others.
- The generous person always has more than enough; the greedy person never has enough.

- Laughing at ourselves gives us a more accurate sense of who we are. It breaks down barriers between others and us. It makes us more approchable. It projects a personality that is warm and friendly instead of rigid and stuffy. Laughter is like a magnet that attracts people. And if you can leanr to laugh at yourself, you are guranteed to have a lifetime of amusement.... People don't stop laughing because they grow old. They grow old because they stop laughing. he who laughs, lasts.
- Supress neither sneezes or laughter.

- Listening to gossip is as wrong as spreading it.
- Gossip should never be disguised as concern.
- "I'm sorry." Two words with unlimited potential.
- To belittle is to be little.
- Rather than taking criticism personally, look at it objectively.
- Learn to distinguish between constructive and destructive criticism.

- You can tell a little about a person by what he says about himself.
- You can tell a lot about a person by what others say about him.
- You can tell even more by what he says about others.

- A smile is your most important accesory.
- Commit yourself to projects; dedicate yourself to people.
- Seek out quiet people. They have a lot to say.

- Be as considerate with your family as you are with your friends.
- Be as courteous to your family as you are to strangers.

- Offer yourself as a friend to another. It will refresh both of you.
- Have lots of acquaintances and a few close friends.

- When you develop your film, get double prints. Give the duplicates away.
- Always go the extra mile...whether for a friend or mint chocolate chip ice cream.
- Plan to be spontaneous.
- People who ask "Why?" keep others from getting things done. those who ask "Why not?" get things done.

- What happens in you is more important than what happens to you.
- What you think determines what you do.
- Be teachable every day.
- Enjoy life's detours.
- Refuse to be lazy. Take control of your time. (shucks. God's speaking to me. ahaha. -_-)
- When you see God in the small stuff, your life becomes more meaningful.

whoa. that was long. hope that was beneficial! :)


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