imagine having an area in your condo, the first floor actually, with a whole load of wasp nests.


it's just like, this uh, maybe as big as a medium-seized bedroom, just at the first floor of the condo.
with just a whole load of holes in the ground. with wasps flying around occasionally.
my brother and i used to play there. HAHA. yes, there where there were many, many wasp nests.

kick sand around.
cover the holes.
see a wasp emerging/flying.
run away.
come back.
kick sand around.
cover the holes.
see a wasp.
run away.



and there was this ant nest too!
at this big tree downstairs in the uh, let's say meadow. (the place i stayed at was called
"green meadows" you see.)
and my brother and i would go disturb the ants. (we were pretty evil. but i'm sure all of you were too, as kids. well, most of you.)
we'd bring ants up to our home. with the soil.

i remember the cake box we put the earthworms in. (plastic box la. not the paper kind). traslucent with red words printed on it.
upstairs, we put the worms on the red cover and (uh) cut them into half. i couldn't cut them furthur. my brother could. and so he did. haha. (ponks did this as a kid too. ha) it was icky.

there was a "dent" in the field where we used to play badminton and all that. ee said it was cos somebody kicked the football too hard. and so, well, yea.
i half-believed her then.

there were kittens at a little corner too. my neighbour used to bring all kinds of stray cats and dogs to her house. my mom forbade us to touch them. well, we did anyway. everyday, we'd go downstairs. play with the kittens.

i don't like cats now. not that i liked them before :/ i'm a bit scared of cats :) and dogs too. haha.

i remember. the lantern festival thingie. ee brought us downstairs to walk with paper lanterns. the pretty chinese kind. not the plastic kind which run on batteries. the pretty chinese kind - real fire. haha. that was fun-ner.

once. coming home from school in the late evening. i was in primary school then. maybe lower primary. crossing the road. this couple on a motorcycle. the lady got off and asked if i wanted a ride across the road. i was a bit confused. like, huh? ride? across the road? i could just...cross it?! ok well. i was young ok. so i was confused. haha. but i said, no thank you. and she was asking, are you sure? it'll be faster you know? ( i didn't really understand how it could be faster. she'd have to make a u-turn?!) ok so well anyway, i crossed the road by myself in the end. got home. told my mommy and daddy and they said smtg like, luckily you didn't accept the ride! maybe they wanted to kidnap you!


the security guard was a really nice guy. the nice malay uncle. just that he smoked :/ so that wasn't really very nice. but apart from that, he was a nice guy. haha

then there was daniel and luke upstairs. 8th floor. aunty beng suat. once, i forgot to bring my keys. and there was no one at home. so i went to the 8th floor. rang the doorbell. their grandma opened the door. i told her i couldn't get home cos i didn't have my keys. so could i stay there for a while? she recognised me. so she let me in. funny thing was that she spoke dialect. and see, i don't understand a word of dialect. so well, that was a bit funny. i should go learn dialect. i think it's cool to be able to speak dialect! haha. but anyway. daniel and luke. haha. we used to go to the playground at teacher's estate together! daniel brought me down the slope before. him on his bike, i on my blades. my. that was scary.

mei got her first pair of rollerblades from ee. and she wore them and skated round the living room. i remember. then we got ours! and siew taught me, downstairs. pulled me along. whee! i always wanted to race with them. but they wouldn't race with me. scared fall down. haha. we were more daring as childen huh?

now? i don't think i can blade now. i've kinda like, forgotten how to. haha. but well, i'll go blading again, someday.

walking to aunty pat's. walking to mrs chia's for piano lessons. she bribed mei and i with sweets man i tell you. the first few lessons, we received a whole load of sweets. trilled, i was. after all, i was only well, 8 yrs old. (and i have a super sweet tooth. i eat too many sweets. heh) then she stopped giving them after a while. haha. she was a clean freak. really. step into her house. wash your hands with water in the pail at the corner. (if not, how can touch her piano?!) eraser rubbings went into the little paper box on the table. want to use the toilet? happened to me once. (huh? cannot hold ah? aiyo.) she carried me to the toilet (oh. you have to wear socks in her house) and then when i had to go back, she decided that she didn't want to carry me back so she looked at the bottom of my socks and decided that it wasn't too dirty. so i got to walk back to the piano. then she mopped the floor. same for everyone. haha. but anyway, she was a nice lady. very, very, very nice.

and piano lessons? oh. i started in yamaha. i think, my brother ever went for one of my classes cos i was asleep and my mom didn't want to wake me up. HAHA.

ok that's funny.
then there was aunty jean. this old lady from church. chinese service. she gave me the loveliest doll i ever had. i think i called it sarah. haha. i can't remember. ]

but anyway, i didn't really play with dolls much. i was more of a tomboy. haha. i mean. well, with my brother. yea. i never had barbie dolls. haha. not that i care(d). my sisters used to have barbie dolls. i heard. one of the barbie doll got haircuts.

"it was the ballgown one. with a furcoat. and the cap thingie. and they was a switch at the back. then the barbie doll will tingtingtingtingtingtingting (action : uh, both hands moving upwards) then the coat's hood will be taken off. it had a pink umbrella with frills. and the stars were glow-in-the-dark! it was quite cool." - chinmei (she made me edit that cos she say she doesn't speak using words like "one" (eg. "glow-in-the-dark one!") or "la". right.

i remember funny scenes sometimes.

ok enough of my rubbish now. i only wanted to blog about the wasp thingie but. i went on and on. and so. well.

haha. but hey! you had fun reading right? (even tho there were uh, spelling mistakes/grammatical errors (go on, eric. edit! haha) and uh, a whole load of randomness and maybe uh ok blah.)ok maybe not but well, now you know a little more about me.



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