lala, i'm so happy for you! :) see you every sunday! and it doesn't matter when the move to sentosa comes about cos there's still every sunday to look forward to! welcome to wesley ym, cmj, HOSPITALITY :) love, hui

presentation for arts appreciation class and a artist blah and 2 paintings and i started only this morn :/ heh. was quite ok. this guy from china (i think) was quite poor thing. cos he can't really speak english well you see. so he was trying to read his presentation stuff on the power point and since i was sitting right in front (the tcher was at the back) i was like, reading all the uh, harder words out loud. and after class he was like, "thank you thank you!" haha
now i have a collage to do. to be handed in next week.
and box art. vscp1. ah. next thurs. guess what! i'm like, less than half way done. i haven't even started making the box. oh oh.
and um, i've got a presentation tmr. for c&e. that's culture and expression. oh oh. i havent' started. ah.

listening to chinhui talk about homework is boring huh. or ok. reading what chinhui types about homework is boring huh? okays well. i'll stop then. byebyebye.

oh. hi grace :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you're not gonna count how many times this smiley is that of yours, the cheerful smiley eh.


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