the 9.30's ushering team size has doubled since this year!
we've now got 29 ushers :D
i'll tell the new sec1's to start ushering only next month i guess. or else too many new pple, can't handle. the back of the hall's getting crowded.
haha. but anyway, yay! :D heh.

ushering retreat
this sat-sun, 12th - 13th March 2005.
meet at yWca, room 806 (level 8) at 1.30pm
if you're gonna be late, call me and i'll tell you where we are.
we're staying overnight at ymca (wow. haha)
bring : the normal stuff. clothes(including ushering shirt) plus bible plus stationery. and moeny for your own food (breakfast, lunch, dinner. so that's about 15 bucks that you need to bring).
will end at about 4. then those who want to head for the cross-trainers activity at acjc can do so then.

worship retreat on 14th, 15th march.
i have school on the 15th! poo. just to hand something up.
abi! do we need forms? no need right. cos not overnight.

and then another retreat. at jingyi's place. yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay. i liked being in the house by myself that whole day. nottingham was good too. haha. and the cold was nice, then.

hi jeremy, how's taiwan? and how's your book? is it good? haha.


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