hello meimeijiejie.
i was feeling very you today. (meimei-ish)


"I lie on my bed dreaming,
I lie on my bed reading,
I lie on my bed writing."

I spent my whole day doing that. Like you in your dimly-lit room. (just not today)And me in mine. Just that mine's more cosy cos I've got that bunk above, and the wall on one side, the blanket covering the other. haha. And I wrote a whole lot. Many pages of this and that and just about everything. (well. not really everything. the number of things in this world.......it's kind of overwhelming. but anyway, you get what i mean). Once I start writing, I can't stop. I have to force myself. haha. well, sometimes. writing is a nice thing to do :) the only downside about writing is that you can't write faster than you think so sometimes by the time you get to writing it, you might have forgotten what you wanted to write. sometimes, you're forced to think a little more slowly. perhaps, a little more deep. so i guess it's not so much of a :( thing. mummy says we have a dinner on saturday. lars~ coffeeshop food is better than restaurants. but i have ushering retreat so i'd like it to be somewhere in town so i can get back faster. but nvm. family dinners are nice. tho car rides are cramp-ish. but those are nice too, anyway. and thank you for letting me use the computer for now. you can have it back now. haha. have fun doing your projects! and yay, to your essay which was done in 2 hrs and got nice marks. haha. bye! and don't fall asleep cos you have to finish your work O_o

~ dumdeedum (want to insert a *whistle* here but i can't cos..well, I can't whistle. aww shucks.)

oh yes. and I listened to your Kings of Convenience.
Quite IS the new loud.
So that made it more meimei-ish, I guess.
telepopmusik? You ARE funny, penny lane and whatever with her trumpeter.
how come you can run so much, meimei? run, run, as fast as you can! but nothing about
the gingerbread man.
ok i think i'm going a bit tonkers so well, ~
cya in the morning! maha.


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