I don't really want to do my work.
But I have to. So, well.
Anyway, a song. Pl-lites might know this - it was the theme song for our musical in year 2000. Sorry if the lyrics are a bit wrong. I'm typing it from memory :)

The Great I AM

Don't tell me that you've never seen
The moon up in the sky
Don't tell me that you've never asked
Who put it there and why
The creator of the universe
Our God of grace and might
Put it there to show us
He is still there in the night

Do you believe in the great I Am
Won't you put your trust in Him
He is the one treasure of your soul
All that you're searching for
All that you're looking for
All that you need is in the great I Am

Don't tell me that you've never felt
Alone and so afraid
Confused by sin and darkness
Plagued by demons within
Are you wandering round in circles
Or are you running from your fears
On an endless journey,
A destiny unclear
that's the way it should be

Dear SpaceWoman, make the best of your time being sixteen. I love you! ((:

Hi Eric. Wow! You were missing, the last round of comments (02 March). Hardeehar. (: Poo that I can't go for the dinner with you and Mark - got work to do.

Had a group meeting today for some project after band prac. Jasmine couldn't come. Wang Fang couldn't find us. We couldn't find him either -he forgot to bring his phone out. See, I don't really like the Dhoby Gaut MRT station anymore. It used to be all quiet and nice. And now it's noisy and crowded :( Ohwells, always look on the bright side - the new line, being here, is convenient. So well, yeps. And Han is a nice guy to talk to. And only Lee Yun here will know what I'm talking about since all of you don't know these people. Haha. Hi everybody else :)

Meimei, I think Brenda, flying girl, has got an oh-so-cool job. Hehe. Wanderlust.

I think I'm feeling a mix of everything.
Well, everybody, have a happy day :) and smile more :)
[I don't really like the smileys facing the side. I want them to be the right side up! Yea, the right side up. Well, whatever, hui]

see who can find the hidden message. haha.


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