ok well.



ok. she gave us this project assesment thingie sheet of paper with stuff she wrote on it and hehehe. ok. at first i didn't want to look at the paper cos i was super scared that everything would be like, circled 1 or 2. (ok it's 1-5, 5 being the highest. Liyi got EVERYTHING circled 5, with an arrow pointing towards...uh...not 4..the empty space beside. duh. she's getting an A* for VSCP1. mamachan wants her to submit her work for the crowbar awards (ok. maybe only joshua will know what i'm talking about.)) ok it's good that i'm actually scared cos i never got this worried about my marks in secondary school so ok. it shows that i care. haha. huh. yea. but ok THANK GOD my stuff's like....phekgek (ok. phekgek = mamachan) circled most of the stuff 4. I have no idea how. because I think my work was absolute crap. really really absolutely just crappy crap crap but she circled "4" for most of the stuff and i'm like, *gasp*

so. super. duper. relieved.

ok sorry. a crazy post. haha. but i'm just super duper relieved la. at least now i know i'll pass - i thought i'd fail :/

ok and then now, there's everything else to clear. hrm. but well, now that vscp1's kind of cleared, i shall not worry.

ah. i'm actually worrying about grades. ah! i'm actually worrying about grades! i never used to! ok in the past it used to be like..i'd only worry about bringing bad grades home cos my dad would scold. hahaha. but then now it's like, i WANT to do well. so ok. that's good. that's actually nice. haha. WHATEVER hui. ok hello everybody byebye.

(sorry if you all don't know what i'm talking about. haha)


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