my mom just msg-ed to ask me to pray for chinee to get well cos she's sick (funny. it went "pray for e". haha) and the msg ended with "back on sat" and i was like, huh?

and i just realised she actually flew off to thailand this morning before i woke up.
:/, cos i wasn't aware.
it just feels very strange.
my mom went cos (just took it from my sister) :

"dearest granduncle passed away at ten thirty last night. we just got the news, ah kee uncle called from yala just now. you are one of the most caring persons i've known; much nicer than many of the closer relatives here in singapore in fact - and i can still remember your kindness and affection after ten years of not seeing you. if not for the stupid south thailand violence and if not for that nasty fall i could have visited you in december. ma is flying up to yala tomorrow (meaning today. she wrote this yesterday) with another aunt. if i didn't have school i'd have wanted to go too. but it's not so important; i wanted to go more when he was alive. i am aching at the heart - throat is glued. i think you're one of the best persons on earth."

yes, he was one of the nicest people ever.

you know, it's kinda scary to read the newspapers nowadays sometimes because there seems to be a lot of violence and all that blah. it's all so ugly. terribly ugly.

my patience is wearing thin :/ ok no. let's change that to "wow". hokays. er. ok. nevermind.


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