Ushering retreat was pretty good. We had many giggly sec1s who were running from this room to that at ymca. Ushering on sunday was GOOD. Ben was blur, as usual (haha. hi ben, if you're reading this. or well, brad) haha. but it was all good. and it was fun - that fifteen minutes before service where all the ushers came in for service and the rule was to make a new friend that day. I don't know if they did. But anyway, it was good cos well, the atmosphere...i dunno. it was just happy-happy. haha. you know, lulu wanted to go running in her birks with me. in her birks. yes, in her birks. but of course, we didnt.
it wasn't all good. like, i had this mother calling me cos her daughter lied to her that we ended at 7 instead of 4, so she could go for the cross-trainers activity at acjc. and cos her daughter didn't have a consent form. i tried to explain why. but her mother was still angry so well too bad. so i just kept saying sorry. but well, nevermind. doesn't matter.
i was the "bad guy" cos i had to shoo pple to go sleep by 12 and all that blah. haha.

auditions for the musical yesterday! fun! hehe. anybody want to audition for the musical???? ben ee's confirmed in already. eheh. i will keep quiet.

i think i am getting too noisy. maybe it's cos of the last 2 days. ushering retreat+auditions (not the part where i'm audition-ing pple. but more of. when I WAS BEING FORCED TO AUDITION> RIGHT?!) :/ but anyway, i refused to audition. i don't really think i can commit. intensive rehearals ++ will be when the school holidays are (june/nov and dec) and that's when i'll be in the middle of my school term. so well, yea.

worship retreat today. but i'm not there cos i've got to complete my project. so poo. cos i think today's gonna be really fun. but there's still tmr. but i think i'll only be there for half the day.

ok enough of rambling.

Planning Ahead
Kenneth Boa
From That I May Know God

Years ago, a minister waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him in front of the service station. Finally, the attendant motioned him toward a vacant pump.
"Reverend," said the young man, "sorry about the delay. It seems as if everyone waits until the last minute to get ready for the long trip." The minister chuckled, "I know what you mean. It's the same in my business."


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