anyway, hello everybody! i just went cable skiing! that's why i wasn't around last sunday. was in batam. cost $75 altogether for the boat ride there and your skiiing lesson.

i went with my sis (chin siew) and 4 of her friends. we stayed at the hotel ...uh, one hotel room. 6 people. heh. yea.

what's cable-skiing? uh. you know like those people who ski on water and are pulled on boats? it's the same for cable-skiing, just that you're pulled by a cable about 10 meters off the ground, instead of a boat.
and it's super fun!
but it also makes your arms ache.
my arms ache now. ache really badly. it's not the after-jogging then you don't stretch kind of ache. it's the it-aches-even-to-(*thinks*)put-my-arms-over-my-head-ache.
but nevermind. IT WAS FUN!!!

yes it was super duper fun and i want to go back but i'm a student and my allowance won't support this sport. haha :/ i wanna go back again. and try to at least make it one round, standing. cos right, first you try knee-boarding. that one's pretty easy. just that you need arm strength to hold on. and all my arm power died-ed (not that i have much) when i did three rounds (it's a 750m round). then we moved on to trying to uh, wakeboard? ok well, trying to even stand up for a few meters on the water first. i am proud to say i uh, i, haha, i quite did it. haha. i managed to even stand on my third try. whoopee! so i must go back and try to stand for a whole round.

ok do you all understand what i'm typing?


so i look to you, so i look to you.

ok now i can use the computer more cos chinmei's finished her project. the exhausted her is now sleeping. (hi mei)

hello dawn! as in, the dawnst dawn.

and pearl, jeaNette, deebees. beedees. gosh. I'M GOING FOR PRAC TMR! YIPEE! but i have to go to the library before that. i've got overdue books. pfft. i will not like walking to the library with the super thick books (with my arm aching like that) but i will have to. oh yah! ok. to describe my arm-ache. my arm aches even when i stretch it straight. haha. gosh. a whole load of rubbish, that i am typing.

ah. wot utter rubbish.

anyone remember that? haha. it came with the stupid curly drawing by me some time ago. but ANYWAY. bye!

oh ya. i think i need to change my specs. the lens, at least. cos it's so scratched. i was reading just now. and everything seemed so..blurry. cos of my dratted specs. ok. not dratted. i like my blue, plastic frames.


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