hur hur -

Dear Girls, (the handbellers performing for the next syf)

As a professional musician, educator and other things, I have asked myself for all the years of music learning what life skills have music education and music competitions empowered me to face the world as a working adult.

You as an individual need to ask yourself the same questions.

Music learning and ensemble playing teaches you to observe the different human behaviours of your ringing mates. The way they perceive and understand instructions, level of intelligence, choice of responsibility and many others. These are life skills that when you become an adult carries with you till you die. Learning to appreciate music is good however unless you make music your career you need to know that in music you need to apply these life skills you learn in your life.

I realised as girls, as asian girls, you all are shy, well blame it on our culture. However, today, in this modern world, if you remain shy and inward conscience, you will get no where in the world. Females like yourself have to compete with us the males dominance for jobs for places in universities. If being shy is your personality, you seriously need to come out of your shell. Performing as a musical group helps you to break this shyness especially performing on stage in front of public.

I teach confidence. I teach self assertiveness, I teach winners not losers. If you are everything that is opposite of what I mentioned than you need to pick these skills up in the next 2 weeks.

I sincerely hope to have touched on something very important. Passion without
Confidence is faking it to the fullest!

Mr Christopher Fong (our instructor)

bardee, hur hur.

we so rocked. haha.
ah. i miss handbells.

hey bardee they are such lucky buggers!
even the SEC ONEs are involved in SYF. not carrying bells - playing!
ah. too bad we didn't have mr fong (at pl sec.) earlier. pffty.

i think. the new instructors (The ones who aren't doing their syf stuff) . should go. cos. they're so. the opposite of the mr fong-style. and. the juniors. don't like them. they(the new instructors) are. cramping up. their style. bardee, you can go for syf?


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