If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. *clap clap*
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. *clap clap*
If you're happy and you know and you really want to show it
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. *clap clap*

ok do i hear clapping?
anybody clapping?
i hope so



hi ponkies.
you have a blocked nose.
eric has a stuffed nose.
i don't know why jbarks is called jbarks. jbarks is short for jbarker. and, i don't know anything else. haha. so, jbarks, why are you called jbarks? randy first started calling you that, right?
ok i haven't seen rainbows in a long time. as in, real ones. not those in pictures. (why are there so many...songs about rainbowws. what's on the other side...rainbows aren't visions, but only illustions..rainbows have nothing to hiidddddeeeee....)
you've never seen my work so you can't exactly comment. haha.

"hurhur. argh i'm picking up so many expressions from you."
abi said that.
hi abi! btw, :/ belongs to joshua, not me. i picked it up from him. haha. hi joshua. abi says " :/ " is very useful.

ok i was talking about blah blah me in design school in the previous post right, well, i think there's another reason that God has put me there( i guess i think). and that is, the harvest is plentiful. ok. no elaborations :D but anyway, it's really really exciting


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