What's Your Dream?
Stuff from Pastor Jeremy Seaward's sermon today (sat service). kind of like a summary. ok a long summary. but ok. main points are here.

Acts 2:17
"I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

(and Joel 2:28 pretty much says the same thing...)

God is a visionary God and he has a dream for each of our lives! (Jeremiah 29:11" "For i know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." ") So ok. Joseph's story (Genesis 37:1-20; 39:1-13,20-23)...where he has a great dream. but in his life, there were so many disappoinments and times where there seemed to be no possibility of the dream being fulfilled but in the end, it got fulfilled anyway. (er. ok sorry if you don't know the story. i'm too lazy to type out the story. but hey! if you want to know the story, ask me for a bible. really. oh i know. go bible.com or smtg. haha :/ )

so jeremy seaward says...there are 4 kinds of dreams :
1. Shattered dreams
2. Tired dreams : dreams that come and go. dreams that you're unsure of cos sometimes it seems like it'd never come true and you kind of like, get tired of believing in your dream.
3. Damaged dreams : dreams that you believed in, but kind of lost hope in..cos they don't seem to be as good as they were supposed to be. situations and whatnot where you try to see the silver lining...but still keep questioning it...
4. Forgotten dreams : where you've given up, moved on to new things...and yea, forgotten your dream.

Why we don't fulfil God's dreams :
(ok well. if you look at it as....if you want to do God's will. then, God's dream is your dream too)
1. Distractions : distractions!!! tsk tsk. If you replace God with something else(anything!), you'll never fulfil the dream :( so, don't get distracted. ok. that's hard. well, try not to.
2. Disappointments : ah. well, don't be bitter! don't give up!
3. Desires : the wrong desires...give them up.

So, God's dreamers....
1. Have a cause
2. Store treasures in heaven
3. Are not interested in their own gain
4. Are not easily satisfied
5. Are followed by miracles
6. Are unstoppable
7. Believe in the God who restores dreams

(erm. sorry. i didn't quite get the verses)

giiivee your heaaarttttt to Jeeesusss!!! let Him revolutionise your life :)

why those colours. er. i don't know. but anyway, that's not important.

ok. i thought the sermon was. timely.
God's timing is perfect.

so anyway. after the sermon jeremy seaward asked us to pray with someone else and nicely enough, my bardee was sitting just behind me. so we prayed together. and that was nice. and it was nice to talk with my bardee again. instead of the every week hi-bye's (hi bardee). so yes. that was nice.

and i talked to my poks too. (hi poks) and that was nice too. haha.

it's nice to talk. and have people talk (to you). even though sometimes, you don't really know what to say.

and i was supposed to talk to some other people.
as in, i felt like i should have gone to sit down and talk to so-and-so.
but i don't know why. i didn't
so that was not good of me.

and while we (mark and i) were waiting with reubs for his parents to come fetch him, there was this girl sitting at the side alone. and. i was supposed to talk to her too. and in, mark was asking me to talk to her, and i felt like i should have been a nice person and go talk to her. but again, i don't know why, i didn't.
then when her parents came, someone in the front seat was waving vigorously...and then i realised i knew the girls mom! haha.

but anyway, next time i should remember to talk to people when something inside tells me i should go talk to them. (maybe it's God telling me :/ but. ok. i haven't learned how to differentiate God's voice from...my own, for the not-so-obvious things. i bet some of you experience it too. hehe
:/ )



ok. so well. personally, for me... (hm.) i'm a person with pretty much no goals kind of thing. as in, you know, some people want to grow up to be uh, some professional whatever and some want to break some world record or some want...whatever. but well, i've never ever really had any goals. so well, yeps. for me, it's more of like...i just want to know what God has in store for me. then i will...try my bestest to do it. i guess in a way, i really want to know what God has for me cos...i myself don't know what i want. but anyway, that's good, i guess. uh huh. and uh. (hm.) i really need some direction. but anyway, even though i don't know where exactly i'm going, even though i haven't got any of those dreams (like joseph) or visions (like...i dunno. my mom? haha. yea) i'm not entirely lost because well, God's been good. Like, the time when i really questioned on why i was in design. because i look at other people's work and think i'm so lousy (oh dear. have i said all this before? nevermind) and seriously, some people do the most amazing things on the computer while i'm like...i just know the basic stuff...enough to survive. i think i'm a lousy poker (ok. "lousy poker" make no sense. it's just a...term. ha) and i can't see myself doing design forever. and...i was wondering WHY i chose design. maybe i chose it on impulse cos it seemed so cool (ok my other options were cool too. but ANYWAY). so well, God sent people who told me how hard it is to get into design cos they couldn't get in(and there i was, wondering how the heck i got in because i thought my interview went crap). and then during the semester i thought i was so gonna do badly cos my work was...bad, says me. and i thought my grades were gonna drop. but somehow, my grades actually improved (wow!) and i was so super relieved. so well, wow. thank God. so yes, that's my....little testomony. i guess you could call it a testimony. a mini one. ah well, it's sharing. haha. ok whatever.

so yes, God is good. so, hip hip hooray! :D heh.

ah ok. my eyes are tired. after the orientation meeting at centerpoint, i spent about four to five hours sitting in Times, reading "empress orchid". i finished the book. and my eyes are "ahh". ok then i went for service.

ok i think it's bowling for my ysg tmr.
i haven't gone for many fellowship sundays. bad me.

orientation. no more ubin. then no more mac ritchie. now, no more bukit batok too. so now, night walk will be at sentosa. thank God no stupid ghost hunts. but dragon trail thingie does not sound too much better. i will not be able to walk by myself. but well, i don't have to. ha.
4 more weeks of holiday.
it's like.
next week, school almost everyday - orientation.
week after, OBS, for orientation, from tues - sat. (shites! i shall get burnt again! and my skin hasn't even finished peeling..from phuket.)
week after, school almost everyday - orientation stuff
week after, ORIENTATION
then, SCHOOL STARTS!!!!!!

i'm sorry i just blogged nonsensical stuff. but before i say goodnight, here's a song. i don't know who it's by.
Sorry if the order/lyrics are wrong. I...type most of these things from memory. and like, if i learn them when i was young, I kind of...make the words up if i didn't hear it properly or something (eh) so yea.

Did you ever talk to God

Did you ever talk to God above
Tell Him that you need a friend to love
Pray "in Jesus' name" believing that
God answers prayer

Have you told him all your cares and woes
Every tiny little fear, He knows
You can know you'll always hear
And He will answer prayer

Find the answer in His word, it's true
You'll be strong because He walks with you
By His faithfulness He'll change you too
God answers prayer

On a lofty mountain peak, He's there
In a meadow by a stream, He's there
Anywhere on earth you go,
He's been there from the start



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