randomness and APEL.

14th june

yes kennineth you are handsome and cute. (yada yada yada) (both also can okay. okay. maybe not. I DON'T KNOW LA.) haha. (no, kennineth, this is not good for your ego. haha) but anyway, kennineth does rock quite lots and he likes to say CHILL. (now this is really bad for kennineth's ego).

okay whatever.
okay now right. a lot of people are going, "alREAdy!"
i think it was dana.
she started it.
hi danarrrrrr. apples, oranges, peaches, pears.
sorry no jackfrooots.

today, my sister gave me an example, regarding denial.
she said, it's like, you have a zit on your forehead, but when you look in the mirror, you look at your mouth, so you can't exactly see the zit.

mmhm. hi mei. *waves* heh.
meimei is going to aussie soon. for twenty-eight whole days! lucky bugger :)

tricab? yes, tricab is nice. though it makes no sense. but anyway, like i said, tricab is nice. so am i saying that the word 'tricab' is nice, or am i saying that the uh, person tricab is nice?

oh oh. too much randomness ain't good for me, man.

hi daryl my angel, how's canada? (you'll be home when you read this i guess).

astO, your yanyan disappeared cos you didn't appear (on monday) :( don't be sad. next time k. haha

hi spaciegracie! :) nice to see you so cheery online :) the piano picture! i've only got like, half of it now :/

people are telling me i look stressed. haha. er.ha. ha.
i need to go take photos for darkroom!!!!! ahhhhhh!!!! (i am considering not doing for class cos i don't anything to show. hmm. heh)
and do my font for kintyp. and storyboard blah.
and. hm. let's see. ah yes. consult peggy for my vscp2. but i haven't got anything to consult her about. oh-oh.
and. sociology quiz. i still haven't bought the textbook. geez.
thank God there hasn't been any homework for prepress yet. and no homework for Applied Illustration this week! yay! oh you know for AppIll we had to draw 6 drawings in two and a half hours and it was super stressful cos at the end we were all panicking cos peggy was collecting our work and we still hadn't finished it :/ boohoohoo -_- and while she was out having her meeting (while we were drawing) everyone was saying like,
"die la. i cannot draw."
"how, so hard."
"i'm not used to drawing like that lor. you see, so ugly!"

uh. yea. and dawn is laughing as she's reading this, i think. ha.

and i know i should stop typing so much rubbish. but sometimes, writing does...make you feel better? maybe not this kind of random rubbish kind of writing. but anyway, it.....okay nevermind. bye everybody! have a good week!

and oh yes. come for JOH! wesleyans, you all should know. JOH- JustOneHour. at acs(barker), Mrs Lee Choon Guan concert Hall. friday 7.30pm or saturday 4.30pm. my meimei jiejie is acting. haha. haha. haha. anybody who wants to go, ask me k. lala and deb are going. yayyyyyy. super faaaaanTAbulous!


15th june

gosh. it's pretty amazing that i've been waking up at about 7.30am every morning! cos... i usually wake up later than that if i've got no class.

15th june. again.
gosh! APEL! (Applied Principles for Effective Living ....the equivalent of CME in sec school i guess) i was trying to keep myself from laughing at the end of the presentation. basically we're supposed to present the lesson to the class. so it's like, each group will be up for about 15mins, talking about the lesson. and at the end of my group's, wilson (lecturer) was saying that what we said was "marvellous" and that we should "go be counsellors". and if all that came from our hearts, then wow. it was funny okay. haha.
okay. i love apel. it is ezpz. but it is also a waste of time :/
okay this guy's presentation is VERY funny. but sorry- i can't share it with you. because it's about...okay nvm.

i'm typing like that cos well. it's very easy to type cos i can just post from my laptop dashboard widget thingie so i can just type and type and not post. and when i'm happy maybe i'll post it. ha.



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