sociology class.

haha so cool. sociology class everybody drew a stick figure but my group had a nice non-stick figure. so a lot of people went "waaaaah" when we put the majong paper up. haha. we're learning about culture now. it's pretty interesting, in a way. good that there are group discussions because if not, i'd get really bored and i bet i'll fall asleep. i thought it was bad that i was the only design person taking sociology to not get into the class with all the people (my class is all business and engine people). but well, now i think it's actually quite good. cos i get to know more people :) it's different la. okay i admit. i'm having sociology class now...haha. the other group's presenting. but everyone presents almost the same thing :/ so well, yea.

bells tea for getting syf gold w honours at hotel inter continental on sat! but i can't go cos i'll be at the a/ysgl retreat. ahhhhh.okay nvm.

i must go take photos for darkroom already. lalala. cheeyong (my tcher) kind of lost his voice. so he was talking in this really raspy voice. and he said smtg like... sorry. cos his voice sounds so sexy....something like that. hahaha.

prepress is where we...learn about paper and printing. hon talks slowly and blah so it gets a bit boring. but he's nice. and all his paper/print samples are nice to look at.

let's see. what else.

Applied Illustration. this is a horrible clas because I so cannot draw. (I'm serious). last week, peggy(tcher) gave us a photostated copy of this picture of a chicken drumstick on a plate of blah(imagine. the paper was too black) and a basket of wedges and a cup of....something. and the paper was really black so we couldn't see detail. i actually thought the chicken thingie was a fish. ingrid thought that too. so that means i'm not blind :/ but anyway. we had to imagine and draw it out. and oh boy. yes i suck at drawing :/ i hope i don't fail this. for my homework, i have to juice cartons and apples blah. okay. i need loads of practice :/ so. that's applied illustration for you.

and. there's. kinetic typo. ah okay. lecture now. this one, must pay attention. haha. bye. maybe i'll type more about what i learn/do in school next time :) bye!


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