"i think Jinghui enjoy me calling her bitch.

Haha. Or so I assumed.

I think she purposely use profound words in her rationale to make Mdm Chan confuse.

Haha. Okay okay, smart arse you.

I think Jinghui can type 100 words in a second."

-royston's blog.

royston wants to die.
royston, GEEZ, MAN. ahahaha.

btw pple, uh. he calls me "bitch" cos he thinks it's so fun to call everyone bitch. it's pretty retarded. but it's his cheap thrill. so i've been tolerant of it. but now whenever he says it i tell him to shut up :/ har har. royston is a copy cat. royston you GEEZ MAN.


royston also says "I think I'm irritating."

so well. yes he know he's irritating when he calls me bitch. therefore he will be nice and stop calling people funny names. and good thing royston has gotten his thumbdrive because that will mean that there won't be a folder called "roooooy" under almost everybody's thumbdrive.

geez man, roy, geez.
have fun doing your peetoo, drawing those hindu gods and whatnots.

gosh. that was something long about roystOn :/

how can you kick yourself out of the squad? so weird :/
anyways, you is rocks lots and you're very very loved in school okays!
smile! :) really.

dawn is a totally girly girl. hurhur.
let's see me.

Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: Cotton Candy

You're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on.

You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals.

Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have.

No wonder Cotton Candy is your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you!

What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

i laugh.

okay fine. i hurhur too.
i am not that into cute t-shirt and stuffed toys or whatev :/
you're more girly than me, dawn. i think. i dunno. har har.

hi kennineth. happy birthday :)
sorry i couldn't come for the bbq thingie. but anyways.

eric is happy because he's got a new laptop.
yes, God bless IBM. God bless Apple, too.


ah. pity jingyi's (chinee's) laptop keyboard cover doesn't fit mine. pfft.

okay enough rubbish. byebye. have a good week, everyboday!


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