ndp rehearsal thingie today. basically just practicing with the singers and my keyboard. with 2 lecturers. after they all left, one lecturer was like, asking me to teach her how to play the song (count on me, singapore, i think) and i had to try teach her.


very hard to teach, man.

mural painting in school.
did 2 layers of the base coat yesterday.
drew on it today.
starting the painting tmr.
will be staying overnight in school. (like orientation! :) haha)
kennineth, jiawei, dawn, sham, cheeky, joyce, royston and me.
tmr, also graduation night. playing "if we hold on, together" for after moses' speech - what else. it's almost always that song. haha. but ohwell. it's quite a good song i guess. (and i have not practiced. and i have not practiced with the singers yet too. oh-oh) oh yea! playing for tp ndp means i only have to go for one NE forum thingie instead of 2 cos that's considered as one. hurhur :D i also might have to try get a bassist and drummer...to play national day songs. cos....okay too troublesome to explain. pfftylars.

astO is very nice.
today she accompanied me to go shooting.
bang! bang! bang, bang!

okay well, shooting as in, photo shooting.
and i should go get some rest.
and hello to you



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