okay i must say, i must say.

The fish said to the water, "You cannot see my tears, because I am in the water." The water replied, "I can feel your tears, because you are in my heart."
- from the channel 8 7pm show (this is my first time watching it la. and i only watched for 5 mins okay.)

there was more.
i taboleh tahan la sia.

come bardee, this sunday remind me to teach you how to draw ikan bilis.

yes astO, I am, too.
but anyway, monday monday mondaymondaymonday!
you blog blahs.... well, my pleasure. and well, thank you to you, too (:

hallo spaciegracie, space mistress of space world. smilllllleeee! yes, victory is the presence of God, not the absence of problems. is that it? smtg like that, right? :)) and, HANG IN THERE!!!!!

and hi kennineth. Do not let the Book of the Law depart from your mouth. meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. then you will be prosperous and successful in everything you do.
no i didn't cheat.

meimei, the army of geese, turkeys, crows, ducks and other miscellaneous fowl chased you all over the green? something like that happened to me too, um, somewhere in UK. where was i? maybe some park in london. but not so many kinds of birds. was mostly ducks. huge ones. scary okay. it was easier to feed the little ducklings in the caged area in paya lebar methodist girls' primary school's eco garden. i used to feed the roosters too. i'd buy cuttlefish. the longer one. not the one big piece kind. then can last longer. haha. and btw, don't bother too much about the picture borders...cos i realise that they appear different on different browsers :/ and, you wear slippers there not cold meh. and, i'm going to woodlands library tmr. you wanna go? or do you have another daaatteee. maha.

i am talking to my sister on my blog.

ahweiwei. are you using muney's powerbook now? how do you spell muney? money? okay no that's wrong. anyway you should not be reading this. you should be mugging in your room. tsk tsk.

no, i do not usually call my brother ahweiwei. this is the first time.

yesterday i had the tp national day community singing practice. six-thirty to nine. pm la. ms lim tried to get me to teach her how to play the keyboard. again :/ before the prac, this time. she told me she forgot what i taught her the other time. then she tried to recall, and play. and she kept asking me. and i was like, i don't know. i really can't remember what i taught. :/ and she kept trying to recall, and get me to recall. but i really couldn't. and it was really weird. good thing the prac ended at 9. cos 9 is when the guards come to chase everyone out. so you can't like, play the keyboard anymore. taufiq (is this how you spell his name) and 2 other friends came in to look-see and help. i think one of them is like, president of Music Vox in school or smtg. quite funny- taufiq asked me to play some alicia keys kind of stuff. i so could not. so he said when i can play r&b and jazz, to give him a call. haha. i don't really quite listen to r&b since well, i listen mostly to the cds my sisters buy(okay how many times have i mentioned this already),which doesn't include r&b. and i hardly listen to the radio. and well, no, i don't know how to play jazz. but okay actually, i should try learn how to play jazz. cos it's hard. people ask me why i don't continue up to grade 8 (i stopped at grade 5). hm. i dunno. i think i stopped at grade 5 cos of some exam i had. then after that, i just never bothered to pick it up again. yeaaps.

aaron calls everyone who isn't accompanying him, an abundener. (that's uh, a different version of "abandoner", you could say). today i was an adundener cos he was gonna stay in school till 9 and i wasn't.

dawn, i like those america's next (cannot make it) top models pics :)

dawn says, "some dumbbyyyyyyys stuck grafitti stickers on our muraland we had to peel them off by ourselves -_-" and guess what...one of the stickers was even spray painted with a bit of silver paint..so when we peeled it off, there was a bit of a silver outline...quite faded but still visible....-_-" "
lovely. not. but nevermind.

ingwit i can go to the playground with you if you want (:

hallo sarah lala. you owe me about a hundred bucks now. remember your back-packing trip will cost you like, what? you said 15000 bucks? wait how come so expensive :/
and hi debx. this sunday is city harvest or wesley? haha

yes eric. that site is gorgeous. aren't you glad you have a friend like me who tells you about nice sites like that. and okay you tell me about nice videos (which you don't always send) so we make good friends cos we know how to share. ha. ha. okayignoremethankyouverymuch.
people, it's www.lorgans.com

if anyone's bored, go check out the ipod flea. uh, go google and search for the video.

and that. was a whole load of randomness. okay why do those certain above names pop up? well. mostly it's because i read blogs and am blogging at the same time. so i read their blog and then i type something in here uh huh. and this blog post comes under that kind of uh... PeOpLe GoT tOo MuCh TiMe ThEn BlOg AbOuT aLl ThE tRiViAl ThInGs (gosh it's hard to type lYk dAt) (eee.)kind of blah. okay actually, not all of it. cos i'm sort of "talking" to specific people so yea. OKAY STOP. okay that's enough of my randomness and rubbish blahs for today. this blog post would never have come about if not for the cheese in the channel 8 show.

I shall go um, play around with Fresh MX (that's Flash, to you), and figure out how it works. and you? have a blessed rest of the week :)


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