1. Identify a disadvantaged group, and briefly describe the current situation or share why this group is significant to you.
okay i can answer that.

2. What problems do they face, and what do you think they really need? Give example(s).

okay i can answer that too.

3. What are your goals/objectives, and in what ways can you volunteer your service to help this group?
okay can answer.

4. Think of a tentative strategy and if applicable, state the (i) pros and cons, (ii) costs.
(Costs may include supplies, materials, transport, rental, utilities, manpower, etc.)


wah lau eh.

5. Based on your recommendation in (4), draw up a tentative action plan.
TIP: List the things you need to do, the resources you need, persons to contact, as well as the time line.


6.How is volunteering related to your Life Mission statement?
come i tell you "my" life mission statement from apel1 : To live a life of PURPOSE, meaning and enduring joy, I will be the leader of my own life; making my dreams come true by realizing my chosen VISION, guided by universally admirable VALUES, driven by an enduring PURPOSE and fired by undying PASSIONS.


7. How does volunteering effectively reinforce at least one of the APEL key principles or values?

um. i can't remember any. i didn't buy the textbook thingie (waste money).

that's the apel2 online thingie for you.
i'm stuck at question four. help!


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