bored. and psalm 25:5

i am wasting my tiiimmmmmeeee. i can't do my work. and i can't sleep in school. and i can't do my work cos i can't think cos my brain doesn't want to think. as in, i guess as i'm typing i am thinking. but uh. OKAY WHATEVER. asto. help!

asto says,"haha.heh.heheehe. sorry i cannot take it."


AHHHHH. it's only 3.34. help. pfft. ah. lalala. ah. argh. help. i need to do my qt. okay i shall read my bible and find a verse to put here.

Psalm 25:4-5
"Teach me your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Saviour,
and me hope is in you all day long."

okay you know what. you should pray that prayer everyday. like, ask God to guide you and teach you (:

oh gosh. someone from the studio next door just said "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be they name." whoa. what was that about? haha.


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