cert of appreciation + a lot of salvation lies in your love

i got a cert of appreciation for playing keyboard for my school's national day celebrations! haha. quite funny.
well, i can put that in my apel portfolio :D
i have hardly anything to put in man. i can't find stuff. I CAN'T FIND MY O'LEVEL CERT!

oh ya. the next clock design you see in tds...done by jiawei!

borders pamplet from jupiter: "Get a bookcase to brag about". books! i want to read story books. i think i shall read the chronicles of narnia again. i can't remember the stories anymore. i have a lot of books at home now. jingyi is moving back home so she's bringing her stuff back and so there are a lot more books in my room now. okay well, hers and my room. we have a double-decker bed but we both don't like to sleep on top. i rather sleep on the sofa in the living room. haha.

and this is my third nonsense post today.

so i shall make it a not-so-nonsense post by typing some other stuff. like what i'm going to type after this. is something i wrote uh, on 9th august, in my butter paper notebook (: sorry if it's here and there and everywhere.

[ "Orange Sky" from the O.C. Soundtrack Mix 1 is playing now. The line which strikes me the most is "my salvation lies in your love". It's really interesting cos well, think about God's love. Our salvation lies in His love. It's cos He loves us so much...He's given us so much of His love, that we've been saved. Look around. hey. everybody needs love, man.

Mom was talking to wei and i just now. These talks are super, when you've got an open hear that's willing to listen to whatever's being said. It's so different from when you're hardened and just wanting to hurry and get on with the talking so you can continue with whatever you were doing before. see. That's the importance of having an open hear/mind. But anyway, I really thank God for mommy cos she's the most super mommy in the world i tell you. And thank God my mommy's a praying mom so well, I believe all the blessing comes from there-cos my mommy prays so much for each of us.

Anyway, Mom was talking about blah blah and those people around us who really really need love, and how we have to help when we can. And well, yea. I think that come back to loving. Bob Pierce said,"Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God." And well, that goes for me too. We all need to learn how to love (; We need to give out time. That's the hardest, you know-giving our time. He did said once before to give him half an hour daily, I'm uh, trying, but well, not there yet. There always seems to be other, more important things to do. But I must come to learn how to seek God first, and really kno that before all else, it's Him first. Like mom said just now- "Jesus must be your first love". Yea I know it''s not anything new but anyway, it just struck me just now. So well, yeps. Jesus must be our first love-above alal ele. really really above all else. Cos if Jesus is your first love, then you'll just want to do whatever pleases Him so I mean, what can go wrong after that, right? Yeaps.

And well, back to "my salvation in your love". Well...the giving of out time, kind of thing...give time to other people too! cos you never know when you'll touch someone, even with a small gesture. And hey. If you've got Jesus in you, it's sort of like, Jesus touching that person, ya? And eveybody needs a bit of love. They may seem okay on the outside. But sometimes, you don't know what happening inside of them. Like *'s friend who committed suicide. so suddenly. really sad, you know. There are so many lives there, waiting for that little touch...yeps. so well, ........(blah blah)...and especially when we've got so much! give! you know, almost everytime i'm on my bed and the light's on, i look around at my cluttered room, I think about what a lucky bugger I am. I HAVE SO MUCH! I AM SO BLESSED!!! so I must learn to give. Waste not, ah*hui. ]

uh huh.that was long. and that was me. bye! haha.


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