dang. i cut my finger. as in, cut until kana the flesh, i think the penknife like, cut through my nail?!?! ha ha. i was ahh-ing so much my mom woke up. smelling too much of the oil my mom put on my finger makes one nauseous. but still anyway, thank God for mommies. she made me eat some ginseng powder just now. it's icky. no it wasn't cos i kana cut. it was cos i was staying up. but anyway. okay you know just now after i cut my hand, i was washing it. and then i stopped washing, then all the blood flowed out. then suddenly my whole finger felt warm cos like see, blood is warm and the blood was covering my finger. so that was really interesting- the suddenly finger feeling warm part. ah. ha. ha.
now why am i typing all this? (without my second finger! ha ha -_-.)(hey! now i must add that dot there to represent my mole! ha ha. so funny. kenneth, laugh. everybody, laugh) it's cos i'm really bored. but i should get back to doing my work. so byebye!


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