ee's scholoarship

HI! YOU ALL WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S SO COOL???? MY SISTER GOT HER SCHOLARSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!! whee! :) my sister as in, my sister, chinee. ah! so cool! praise God :) lalalalalalalala. but that means she'll be away for many years :( but hey! SO COOL! heh.


HELOOOooooooooo; this ish me.. not not chinnyhui. im called ME. pfft *nod nod* ME. hee hee. urm im tine. k bye. chinny is pulling me away

i was not. i was holding her bracelet up cos it was scratching against my laptop surface. and tine = christine. yeaaaaaaps.

ha ha. my sister got her scholarship. so cool. (:


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