my powerbook cannot close.

ah shucks. my powerbook cannot close properly! i think i snapped it shut too hard. now the hook thingie whatever is stuck on top and i can't get it out! so yea. i can't close my powerbook properly. so it keeps sleeping waking sleeping waking sleeping. eeperoos.

oh yea. everybody, remember to do your APEL online thingie! don't fail APEL!
i haven't done it. the questions are ... pfft.

i would write more stuff on my blog, you know. as in, proper stuff. like, stuff that matters, kind of thing. but too many people read this blog for me to do that. so. i don't. yeaaaps.

it's early.
thye chuan and rayner are practicing their jap convo here beside me. i don't understand a single thing :/
i'm going to do darkroom.
and i'm hungrrryy.
and i should go do darkroom.


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