sent andrea off. darkrm dateline pushed. pfft.

say what. swing lo. swing merry-ho.

okay anyway.
sent andrea off just now. airport. she's going to be gone for mighty long! but ah. i think i heard joshua lim say she's coming back in dec for a while.i think. i THINK. i'm not sure. yeaaaps. if she does, then woots! so cool! and she can come for ym camp (: but i can't. okay well, i can go on sat and sun. then on thurs and fri i'll most prob have school. bah. we should all have holidays at around the same time.

darkroom dateline pushed to next week. yay. okay well actually, makes no difference to me cos i just need to paste my photos in the book. but well, yay for everyone else then. i'm pretty dead for p2. i. need to think. i don't know what to doooo. pfft.

and. i'm in school now. and my group meeting is 5 hours away. craaaaaapp. that's way long. zzzz. pfft.

and pfft.


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