socio, french, hang on little tomato

i'm in the photo lab now and i think from all the flashing blah blah bulbs i think i'm going to become blind.

how come french lecture so fun. they get to watch nice french movies.

sociology presentation by the other groups was boring today. but it was quite fun shooting questions. i felt quite evil cos i was shooting a lot of questions at the second group :/ (didn't pay attention to the first presentation). next week's my group's presentation. will be boring too, thankyouverymuch. i skipped socio lecture and went for french uh, lecture, instead. heh.

you know this morning i thought i was going to be late for school (which starts at 9) cos i was locked in the house :/ cos my key was in the car and meimei's key was...lost. and there was no other key/person at home. so my dad had to rush back from the botanic gardens where he was taking a nice walk with my mom. and guess what! i still reached school on time. okay well, i reached at 9.05 kind of thing.

meimei my friend says your taste in music is really good. haha. the new pink martini's' album name is really cute- hang on little tomato (:

hang on, little tomato.


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