my friend says, "dun lie la. u got stalkers". but that's not true. and she says everyone is blogging about love. and it is quite funny because she says everyone is getting attached and then you hear all the different names and then okay i should shut up because one should not talk about things like that right now i'm feeling really cold cos i'm sitting in front of the blowing fan at 3.47 in the morning why does time matter time matters because it's colder in the night/morning okay i shall type properly now.
i used to like the cold. like when it was cold i'd like the cold on my skin and i'd only put a jacket on when i couldn't tahan the cold anymore. (my mom would nag. put on your jacket! later you grow up then you got (dunno what health problems blah blah) but of course, we know mommies nag cos they love us.) now, it's like, i like to stay warm. so when it gets cold, well, i don't like it that much, and i put on a jacket. i think maybe that change happened when i went to england and decided it was cold there all the time, and i decided that i did not like the cold that much after all. maybe cos i was exposed to it so much.
double-decker in my room. now i sleep on top because ee is back home. the floor is messy messy because she has a lot of things, and so do i. but i kind of like the messiness. but i know my dad doesn't cos when there are so many things on the floor, he can't mop and then the room will get all dirty and you see, my dad likes things real clean. so anyway, i'm sleeping on top now. ee bought a mini fan to clip on for the top cos it's really hot up there. i don't mind sleeping on top, though i'm used to sleeping at the bottom. i'm just afraid that when i wake in the morning all groggy and blur, i will fall off when i try to climb down the stairs. i mean, it's not that high, but falling off still will result in an ouch, you see. (i'm doing a mdm chan- "you see". okay i didn't mean that. i put the "you see" before i thought of mama chan). but anyway, it's nice to have my sister home. it's nice to have her home when i wake up.
let me see what else i can talk about.
okay. i was at the ym comm. retreat. and it was super. and i was rooming with abi. and we will be rooming together for YMLC too! but for YMLC we will make sure that we wake up on time so that we can enjoy a proper hotel breakfast and not have to rush. haha.
now is 3.58 in the morning. shouldn't i be asleep, especially since my projects are over? well. i'm awake now because i slept in the evening just now.
oh ya. ROYSTON ANG. please return me my thumbdrive whenever you next see me. i need. thankyouverymuch.
okay i know "boo!" doesn't really suit the photos. but see, i wanted to say boo. at first, i just wanted to post a "boo!". then i decided to add some pictures or smtg so you all will get to look at something other than just a "boo!" so i scanned those photos in (cos i have nothing else to put in) and then i started typing so well, it got on and on to like that.
ramblin' roOseeeee. ramblin' roOseeee.
nat king cole sung that.
okay search for lyrics and there:
Ramblin’ rose, ramblin’ rose
Why you ramble, no one knows
Wild and wind-blown, that’s how you’ve grown
Who can cling to a ramblin’ rose?
now i feel like memorising song lyrics. the other time, i memorised (oh no. i can't remember. uh.....)BUT ANYWay, it's fun to be able to sing those songs.
actually. i should be memorising bible verses instead. my mom always tells me to. but i memorise like, one verse every uh, long time.
enough of all this. i want another story book. i think ee will have. i have a lot of books at home, actually. quite a lot. books are good. everybody should read books. and everybody should go read "the incident of the dog in the night-time" by mark haddon, if they haven't.
to myself: i must make good use of this holidays. really.
and you all should, too. okay well. make good use of anytime, of your life, whatever...of everything. cos well, it all belongs to God and He's entrusting it to you so well yeps. i'm not exactly a good example of that. but well, we all try. and. God is good, you know? and He loves you. yes, you who's reading this. each and every one of you is precious to Him. really.
i wish you Jesus, more than anything. (those are song lyrics)
lalala. (i'm talking to andrea online!)
Satellite Hearts are playing on radio-indie-pop, and;