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okay here's a badly done collage. but whatever. cos. thought i'd just put the pictures so you all have something to see :D tho the pictures are not very nice either. but whatever. haha um yeps. i don't really have the funny pictures cos i don't bother to take my camera out much.

so, okay.

Changchun, China, so far (till 18th oct). The plane ride, the boring transit (yey for trolleys which made us happy). Look! A bookshelf beside the male's toilet! for if you need to sit on the toilet bowl for longer, then you can like, get a book to read. okay i'm joking. it's actually a poster :D Other pictures are of below/behind my hostel, the “orchard road” of changchun, the meetings in the conference room, the classroom, our first meal (the 4 “faces”), our dumpling meal (225 dumplings per table of 12 people, aside from t he main dishes. couldn't finish. had to play games to try finish them.), the funny signs and the traffic light that i really like (very amusing), the vege (cabbages mainly) that you see everywhere, on the ground, the huge wal-mart(china doesn't have much sweets you know), sculpture square and the puppet emperor’s palace and subway. Go figure which is which if you want to (: It’s cold!!!! brrrrrr...

Yesterday I played CS and a bit of Warccraft- yay! haha. i can finally quite play CS. Kennineth makes a patient teacher. haha. warcraft...would have been easier if the explanation words in the game were in english instead of chinese. but anyway. the place we played at is like, really big. hundred over computers and nice soft armchairs. and it's like, RMB3 per hour?! that's like, uh, 65 sing.cents?

and the day before, basketball! and more of captain's ball. super fun. at the end of it all, hands and face were so cold, almost numb. (it's colder here than in shanghai, jbarks. here's about 0-10degrees now. in shanghai it's about 18-24degrees now.)

hot weather, pple's skin peel cos sun burn. cold weather, pple's skin also peel- too dry. like joyce and my nose (a bit only la). and the skin on your fingers might peel and bleed too cos it's too dry.

breakfast is peanut butter and bread for joyce and i. yum (: the food here..yes it's oily like you pple said it'd be. i'm not a shopping person, so i have been hanging out with the guys more than with the girls because well, see, most girls like to shop. uh. yea. haha. i haven't bought anything yet. okay i bought 2 things. but not for myself. i don't know what to buy for people :/

okay let me think what else i can type about.....

my hands are colllllldddd.
and they only turn on the heaters on the 25th :( but it's warm in the aftns sometimes. warm as in, 2 or 3 layers are enough.

k we're thinking about whether to go to Haerbin this weekendor not. Shirlyn (my lecturer) just went with her husband and she's back now. Some pple won't be able to go cos not enough money. cos they spent too much on shopping already. haha. now they're (adm (that's the fashion design girls kind of thing) girls) are asking whether they can go shopping there and we're like O_o. no.
Okay I won't type too much blah blah la huh. okay bye. but before that. must tell you all that God is good (:

han liu coming today or tmr. that's like, some sort of uh, winter wind? hahaha. okay the pple here think some of us are crazy cos we wear so many layers. IT's COLD OKAY. haha. okay whatever. BYE! :D


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